Anime Blog Dragon Ball

Did Akira Toriyama Design Super Saiyan 4? Busting Dragon Ball’s Biggest Myth

A rumour has been circulating for a very long time about the origin of the design of Super Saiyan 4. Some fans believe that Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru created it, while others think it was made by Akira Toriyama. Honestly, the answer to it is very straightforward, which we will discuss in this article[…]

Anime Blog Dragon Ball Universe

Goku’s Age In Every Arc Of The Dragon Ball Series

With forty years’ worth of content, Goku’s age throughout his journey in the Dragon Ball Saga is a little hard to keep track of. For as long as the series has been running, Goku has been aging along with it[…]

Anime Dragon Ball Universe Gaming News

Dragon Ball Legends: New Characters for 2nd Anniversary

Every manga or anime fan loves playing RPG games, which help them walk in the shoes of their favorite characters. Mobile RPG games based on manga or anime are gaining popularity because of this very reason. The mobile RPG game Dragon Ball Legends, which has a card-based battle mechanic, recently turned 2 years old. It […]