Anime Blog Boruto

Boruto Era 5 Kage Vs. War Arc 5 Kage: Who Would Win?

Kage battles are always a hot topic among Naruto fans, and the debate never seems to end. So, let’s stir up some excitement and settle the score once and for all – which set of 5 Kage would come out on top? We have the current generation’s finest Kage from the Boruto era, including Gaara, Kurotsuchi, Chojuro, Darui, and Naruto […]

Anime Boruto News

First look into Boruto’s Shukaku Arc

As we know, Boruto generally focuses on filler arcs. This can be tedious and boring for most fans. But recent updates regarding Boruto’s next arc are cause for much excitement. Fan’s are ecstatic because Sasuke Uchiha is returning. Sasuke will be back in episode 120 of Boruto. Besides this,  a fan translator has translated the episode […]

Anime Boruto News

Boruto’s Next Big Mission Reveal

It seems like Boruto: Naruto Next Generation is going to end the filler arc and going to enter a very interesting arc. Finally, fans are going to experience something interesting again after the Chunin exam arc. Besides this, it’s already revealed that the next arc comprises- Sasuke, Gaara, and Shinki. Fans were shocked when they […]

Anime Boruto News

Boruto’s reunion with Shinki

Boruto is hoping to bring back one of the Hokage child’s most dominant opponents – the Sand Villages’ Shinki. As we have observed, all the new generation of children have inherited their parents’ skills. This is the same with Shinki, even though he happens to be the adopted child of Gaara. Garra is the current […]