Blue Lock Manga News Prison School

‘Blue Lock’ and ‘Prison School’ Creators Collab on an Isekai Manga

Blue Lock and Prison School are stories that run on the same idea but are from entirely different genres. One is a brutal sports anime with serious tones, while the other is a sex comedy. What remains common between the two is the audience (for the most part) and creators obsessed with putting[…]

Manga News Prison School

Prison School’s Author Announces Next Work: An Unexpected Rom-Com Manga

You might know Akira Hiramoto from Prison School, the no-nonsense perverted manga. This time, the author has decided to change the game and publish a rom-com. Although this is unexpected from Akira-sensei, I’m looking forward to the spin he puts on it. His previous works like RaW Hero and Me[…]

Amazon Prime Anime Listicles

Top 10 Best Anime With Fanservice On Amazon Prime!

Seeing anime criticized for having fanservice scenes has always somewhat perplexed me. After all, isn’t the point of fanservice to please the audience? Sure it takes up precious time and can be a distraction from the main plot, but that means fanservice can also be a short, much-needed reprieve at[…]

Anime Listicles

Top 12 Best Anime with Fanservice Ever! What Anime Has The Best Fanservice?

Everyone loves a little eye candy every now and then, right? Although anime is often criticized for fanservice, sometimes, you just need something to watch that’s easy on the eyes and the brain. Many anime even manage to strike a balance between the two! A little fanservice can go a long way to[…]

Anime Listicles

Top 10 Must-Watch Ecchi Anime Of All Time & Where To Watch Them!

What’s the first thing that comes in your mind after hearing the word “Ecchi”? It’s probably something related to sex, right? The word “Ecchi” is a slang term in Japanese, which refers to anything sexual in nature. Ecchi mostly deals with mild nudity, whereas Hentai deals with full-fledged nudity and sexual activities. That’s why you can’t […]