Anime Natsume Yuujinchou News

Natsume’s Book of Friends: New 2 Episode Anime, 2021 Release

Natsume’s Book of Friends is a soft and pleasing tale of a kind-hearted boy. Natsume spends his time freeing all the spirits that his family had forced into servitude. What is especially attractive about this anime is its portrayal of a whole range of emotions. As the viewer watches the anime[…]

Anime Natsume Yuujinchou Watch Order

Complete Natsume Yuujinchou Watch Order Guide – Easily Rewatch Anime

If you are on the hunt for a serene anime, and stumbled upon Natsume Yuujinchou, then you are at the right place. Aside from the relaxing plot, it also has a super simple watch order. It is an incredibly pleasant and soothing slice-of-life anime. If you need a break from the flesh-devouring ghouls of Tokyo […]