The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons: Episode 6 Release Date, Speculation

The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons’ fifth episode centers around Minato and his relationship with Uta. Uta moved into their neighborhood after the Yuzuki brothers’ parents died. Uta has been with Minato since she moved in, and they have been the closest to each other.

All the negative emotions Minato felt were swept away by Uta’s presence. But Uta suddenly gets a boyfriend, and Minato is left questioning his position in Uta’s life as her best friend. Here are the latest updates.

1. Episode 6 Release Date

Episode 6 of The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons will be released on Thursday, November 9, 2023. It is a weekly anime, and it will be released every Sunday. Watch The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons on Crunchyroll.

I. Is episode 6 of The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons on break this week?

No, episode 6 of The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons is not on a break and will be released on the above-stated date.

2. Episode 6 Speculation:

The story will continue after Minato is left thinking over Nikaido’s words. Minato is going to have to do some introspection and come to conclusions about his own feelings. He has to figure out the difference between a best friend and a girlfriend.

The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons: Episode 6 Release Date, Speculation
Minato Thinking About Uta | Source: Crunchyroll

Since Uta is an important part of Minato’s life, he is definitely not going to just let her get more distant and will make sure that they still remain best friends. After losing his parents, losing another person close to him will hurt a lot. However, whether he is willing to ask Uta out so that he can spend time with her is something he needs to figure out.

Uta would also have to make a decision as she does not seem like the kind of person who would just give up her friendship with Minato for a boyfriend she just got. The next episode will give us all the answers.

3. Episode 5 Recap

After school finishes, Minato and Uta plan to leave together to build a secret fort behind a hill. Uta asks Nikaido and Mikoto if they want to help. Their conversation gets interrupted when a guy asks to talk to Kirishima alone.

Minato mentions how he has never seen Uta talk to the guy before, and Nikaido reveals that guys from other classes find her pretty, and this guy plans to ask her out. Minato and Mikoto are both stunned. Nikaido tells them it is not a surprise that they do not see Uta as a girl because of the way she acts around them.

Uta comes back flustered and tells them she got asked out by the guy and that she agreed. Nikaido and Mikoto ask her if it is okay to just agree to go out with someone she doesn’t know. But Uta did not have a reason to refuse, and she felt happy when he said he liked her.

The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons: Episode 6 Release Date, Speculation
Uta and Minato | Source: Crunchyroll

Minato starts freaking out about Uta having a boyfriend and how she is now an adult. Uta is going on a date with her boyfriend on the weekend. Minato goes over to her house to help her choose an outfit, but they have a hard time.

Gakuto suggests Minato ask Hayato since he is experienced in dating. Minato calls Hayato for advice, but Hayato ends up getting too passionate about his preferences. Finally, Minato picks an outfit for Uta.

During dinner preparation, Hayato tells Minato that he won’t be able to spend as much time with Uta as he did because her boyfriend might get jealous. Minato gets upset and leaves, skipping dinner. When Mikoto goes to check up on Minato, he finds out he has a fever. Minato got a fever from worrying over what Hayato said.

The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons: Episode 6 Release Date, Speculation
Minato gets a fever | Source: Crunchyroll

The next day, Uta gives Mikoto her lunch that she planned on sharing with Minato since he could not come to school. While eating, Minato reminisces about the past and how he has always been the closest to Uta and decides to sabotage her date.

Minato, Mikoto, and Nikaido follow around the new couple, but Uta only goes around eating different things. When they finally stop at a restaurant, Minato asks Mikoto to pull down Morita’s pants, but Mikoto refuses as that will not affect Uta.

Nikaido asks if Minato will always sabotage every relationship Uta has in the future. He also mentions that if Minato gets a girlfriend, he will have to prioritize her over Uta. Nikaido explains how every person has a limited time, so that makes it hard for them to spend equal time with everyone.

The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons: Episode 6 Release Date, Speculation
Attempt To Sabotage The Date | Source: Crunchyroll

Minato questions why he and Uta can’t spend time together just because he is a boy and Uta is a girl. The sadness and loneliness he felt after his parents died lessened when he met Uta. He does not want to let her go. The episode ends with Nikaido giving Minato a way to solve this once and for all. Minato and Uta should start going out instead.

4. Where to watch The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons

Watch Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai on:

5. About Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai

Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai is an anime set to release in October 2023. It is inspired by the manga of the same name created by Shizuki Fujisawa.

The Yuzuki household, comprising four siblings, tragically lost their parents two years ago. Hayato, the eldest among them, assumes the role of a diligent breadwinner. 

Mikoto, the second sibling, exudes an aura of composure yet harbors a profound affection for his younger brother Minato. Minato, the third sibling, brings an infectious energy to the household and holds his brothers in high regard despite grappling with clumsiness and social awkwardness.

Gakuto, the youngest among them, is well beyond his years, earning him the title of “wise man” as a first-grader.

The series delves into the daily lives of these four siblings as they navigate the intricacies of family dynamics, academic pursuits, and community interactions.


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