Anime Listicles Overlord

Overlord: Top 15 Strongest Anime Characters, Ranked!

These days, every Isekai series seems to be reiterating the same premise as every other Isekai series. That’s why its good to have at least one Isekai show that falls out of the cliché and gives us the best of another-world experience with a DMMO-RPG twist. Overlord is an anime that has unique […]

Anime Listicles Overlord

Overlord: 8 Strongest Guardians, Ranked!

Overlord is a series that has a unique premise and boasts an equally distinctive cast of side characters with their own special abilities, powers, and varying levels of strength. After all the recent happenings have shaken and stirred things up in the series, many fans wish to know who is the […]