Anime Ino no AICis News

Unravel the Supernatural Mysteries with Ino No AICis Season 2

Ino no AICis: ESP & High School Detective, as the name suggests, it should be another detective anime. But there’s an ‘x-factor’ that sets it apart from other anime of this genre. Catching the culprit becomes far more intriguing when he/she has supernatural abilities. That’s what Kiriya […]

Anime Ino no AICis News

Supernatural Detective Web Anime, Ino No AICis, Reveals Trailer

Who does not want superpowers? What will the world look like if everyone had such powers? Ino no AICis creates a world where people suddenly develop extraordinary abilities that they begin to misuse. How do these people suddenly acquire such abilities? From an app that has been recently going viral.