New Anime in Works by Studio Bones and Banana Fish Director

Even though most anime are adapted from manga, it is not always the case. Some anime are original releases, which means that they are not adapted from any manga, novel, or game.

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Some of the most well-known original anime are Yuri!! On Ice, Cowboy Bebop, Psycho-Pass and Kill La Kill. The ideas behind most original anime are so creative that it gets a green signal even without an already thriving fan base.

Original Anime by Studio Bones & Banana Fish Director
My Hero Academia | Source: Fandom

We are here to tell you about the next original anime in the making and what to expect from it!

The Mantan Web by the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper announced that a new original anime will be produced soon. Studio Bones and Director Hiroko Utsumi will be working together for the upcoming anime.

The anime’s title and other details will be revealed on 20th September, 6 pm (JST) on the Yunika Vision public screen at Shinjuku.

Hiroko Utsumi shot to fame after directing the anime Banana Fish. He is also the director of Free!: Iwatobi Swim Club, the famous swimming themed anime.

Studio Bones already has a lot of famous anime titles under its name. It has produced Bungou Stray Dogs, My Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100, Death Note, and many more. If you are an anime fan, then it’s highly unlikely not to know the works of Studio Bones.

Bones has already animated anime from several genres. Their staff can produce a versatile amount of anime. The animation is dynamic and well-balanced.

Original Anime by Studio Bones & Banana Fish Director
Death Note | Source: Fandom

Together with Hiroko Utsumi, Studio Bones is bound to make an anime that will make us gawk at it. Since no information about the upcoming anime has been revealed yet, there is too much ground to speculate about it.

Will it be an action, romance, or psychological anime? Or will it be something that will completely boggle our minds?

Source: Mantan Web


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