Find the Missing Brother Walkthrough – Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guide

Assassin’s Creed Mirage features a lot of engaging mysteries for players to investigate, and one such is the mission “Find the Missing Brother”, which involves looking for Ahmad Ibn Musa. The mission can be started when you visit the House of Wisdom and see fire being put out.

Begin the mission after talking to a man and inquiring about Ahmed Ibn Musa, who’ll then guide you towards his office. After this part of the mission, you’ll need to locate an Excavation Site which can be tricky for players as you’re not given a direct location and you’ll need to use a map to find it.

1. To locate the Excavation Site in Assassin’s Creed Mirage:

  1. Open the Investigation menu, click on “View Details” on the Site node;
  2. Click the Site Map on the bottom left (under Related Clues) and find out the location.
  3. The Site’s located southwest of Abbasiyah, southwest of a small oasis near a Viewpoint.
Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Excavation Site Location – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

Finding the Excavation Site is the most confusing part of the mission. Other than that, the entire quest itself isn’t that challenging except for some combat sections, but we’ll walk you through what happens and what you’ll need to do in order to find Doctor Hassan.

I. Investigate Ahmad Ibn Musa’s Office

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Speak with Kahraman – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

Upon entering the House of Wisdom, summon Enkidu to find an old man called Kahraman, who’ll point you to Ahmad’s office, which is located right behind him. Before you enter, Nehal will show up and trigger a cutscene, after which you’ll have to investigate the office.

Inside, you’ll need to find some clues. Use Eagle Vision to interact with the items highlighted in orange. You’ll find a stack of books on the right, a map on the left, and some movable bookshelves near the entrance. Move them to reveal some hidden plans.

After tracking down all the clues, Hamid, Ahmad’s assistant, will enter the room, and you’ll need to talk to him. Then, follow him through the House of Wisdom courtyard until he reaches a group of guards.

II. Fight the Ambush and Interrogate Hamid

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Interrogate Hamid – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

While following Hamid through the courtyard, some guards will ambush you. It’s a trap set by the assistant himself, but luckily, the guards are no match for Basim, and you can easily take them down.

After killing the guards, interrogate the assistant, and he’ll tell you that he was forced to sell you out by a masked man whose goal was protecting a dig site location. This is where the Excavation Site comes in.

III. Locate and Investigate the Excavation Site

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Excavation Site Location – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

The Excavation Site is located to the southwest of Abbasiyah, near a small oasis. Once you reach there, you’ll need to investigate it to track down some clues. Head to the North entrance of the site, and you’ll find a man digging a hole.

He’ll tell you to leave and warn you about staying away from nearby chests, specifically. Some of the chests nearby will provide some clues but the most important chest containing the real clue will be located at the corner of the Site, on the ground level.

Use Enkidu to scout the chest locations, but tread carefully as soldiers guard them all. The chest that you need will be located on the ground level behind a moveable shelf. Take out the guards in front and push it to reveal the chest.

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Letter from Hassan to Ahmad – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

Open the chest, and you’ll receive a letter from Doctor Hassan to Ahmad, talking about some artifact and asking him to meet in Bimaristan, and that’s where you need to go next.

IV. Track Doctor Hassan

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
The Great Bimaristan Location – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

The next step in the mission is to track down Doctor Hassan, who’s located at the Great Bimaristan, to speak to him about Ahmad’s disappearance. The Great Bimaristan is located in southwest Haylanah.

After entering Bimaristan’s Plaza, you’ll need to find Doctor Hassan’s office. Upon using Eagle Vision, you’ll notice a highlighted door on the north side, but it’s locked, so you need to find another way to get inside. For that, you’ll need to find his nurse and steal the key from her.

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Pickpocket the Key From the Nurse – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

Using Eagle Vision, you’ll see an orange highlight of the nurse appear with a key icon over her head. She’s located on the South side of the plaza, in a ward, so head there and quietly pickpocket the key from her. After doing so, return to the locked door and unlock it.

Inside the room, you’ll learn about Doctor Hassan’s true identity. Using Eagle Vision, you’ll find a highlighted note at the back of the room and a mask on the left. Basim will realize that Hassan is a part of the Order and that he needs to be killed, which is your next objective.

V. Assassinate Doctor Hassan

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Eavesdrop on the Doctors – Assassin’s Creed Mirage | Source: YouTube

Leave the office, take a right, and turn on Eagle Vision to find a trip of doctors talking next to the fountain at the center of the plaza. Quietly blend in and eavesdrop on them, and from their conversations, it’ll be revealed that Hassan is in a laboratory.

After eavesdropping, head to the rooftop, where the laboratory is located. There’ll be guards that’ll attack on sight there, so proceed cautiously. Above the rooftop, there’ll be an area beside which there will be a window, and through it will be a chandelier.

Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin's Creed Mirage?
Where to find the Excavation Site in Assassin’s Creed Mirage? | Source: YouTube

Jump to the chandelier, and you’ll see Doctor Hassan below you. Assassinate him, and once it’s done, a cutscene will trigger in which you’ll finally meet with Ahmad. After the cutscene ends, leave Bimaristan to wrap up the investigation and close the case.

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2. About Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is an action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux and published by Ubisoft. The game is the thirteenth primary installment in the Assassin’s Creed series and the successor to 2020’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. While its historical timeframe precedes that of Valhalla, its modern-day framing story succeeds Valhalla’s own.

Set in 9th-century Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age—in particular during the Anarchy at Samarra—the story follows Basim Ibn Ishaq (a character first introduced in Valhalla), a street thief who joins the Hidden Ones to fight for peace and liberty against the Order of the Ancients,[b] who desire peace through control. The main narrative focuses on Basim’s internal struggle between his duties as a Hidden One and his desire to uncover his mysterious past.


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