The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic: Episode 11 Release Date, Speculation

The battle against the demon army finally began in episode 10 of ‘The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic’ titled “Unhinged?! The Black Knight Appears!” The rescue team is hard at work immediately from the get-go as injuries recur on the battlefield.

Usato and Rose set out to heal the people on site, but Rose tells Usato something important before they part ways. Usato charges ahead to save as many lives as possible.

Here are the latest updates.

1. Episode 11 Release Date

Episode 11 of ‘The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic’ will be released on Friday, March 15, 2024. It is a weekly anime, and new episodes are released every Friday. Watch ‘The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic’ on Crunchyroll.

1.1. Is The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic on a break this week?

No, ‘The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic’ is not on a break this week. Episode 11 is not delayed and will be released on the above-stated date.

2. Episode 11 Speculation

The Black Knight tricked Inukami and Kazuki into thinking they might have a chance to win. The heroes fell for it and ended up getting heavily wounded. Usato is currently rushing to the center of the battle, where he was told the heroes might be fighting.

The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic: Episode 11 Release Date, Speculation
The Black Knight (The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic) | Source: Crunchyroll

Usato’s vision has come true, and he is going to find both his friends on the verge of death at the Black Knight’s feet. Hopefully, he reaches them in time and is able to heal them to save their life. The Black Knight won’t let him do that easily, though, and Usato might need to use the ultimate move Rose told him about.

3. Recap of episode 10

The Rescue Team stationed itself outside the battlefield, but Usato could not sleep. Inukami finds Usato awake and starts showing off her armor. Kazuki stops Inukami from bothering Usato and drags her away as Siglis summons them.

Siglis explains the plan of attack to the heroes who take positions. Kazuki and Inukami feel the presence of the demon army, and everyone gets ready to attack. However, the demon army used illusion magic to trick and ambush them.

Rose commands all the black uniform members to carry injured people to their site while the members in grey will be in the tent tending to the injured. Rose and Usato, the white uniform members, will move to the battlefield when combat injuries increase.

The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic: Episode 11 Release Date, Speculation
Usato (The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic) | Source: Crunchyroll

Usato is terrified at the sight of fatal injuries but tries his best to concentrate. The Black Knight watches the battlefield, but he is bored as direct attacks do not work on him. He notices Inukami’s lightning and heads her way.

Rose and Usato head out to the battlefield, and Rose tells Usato to be careful of the Black Knight, which reminds him of the vision he saw. Rose realizes that Usato will never kill anyone under any circumstances, so she teaches him a secret move.

Usato and Rose split and start healing as they go. The Black Knight finds the heroes, and their troop rushes to attack. However, Inukami realizes too late that his power is to reflect, and Kazuki gets injured.

The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic: Episode 11 Release Date, Speculation
Inukami (The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic) | Source: Crunchyroll

Usato keeps getting the vision, and his head hurts, but he cannot heal it. He heads directly for Kazuki and Inukami, wishing he isn’t too late. Meanwhile, Inukami comes up with a plan, but Kazuki thinks it’s too dangerous.

The heroes decide to risk it and attack and realize that the plan just might work. Kazuki blinds the Black Knight, and Inukami stabs it from behind as she realizes that they can’t reflect attacks they do not sense. However, they are wrong, and they both get fatally injured.

4. Where to watch The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic

Watch The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic on:

5. About The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic is a Japanese light novel series written by Kurokata and illustrated by KeG.

The story revolves around Usato, an ordinary high schooler who happens to run into two fellow students after school one rainy day. Suddenly, all three of them are engulfed in a magic circle and transported to a fantasy world. There’s just one tiny problem—Usato is simply dragged along by accident!

On top of that, Usato learns that he is capable of using healing magic—an incredibly rare affinity in this new world. Now Usato must spend his days with the rescue team thugs, struggling through their hellish training regimen and learning the wrong way to use healing magic.

Aaheli Pradhan

Aaheli Pradhan

A grandma by heart who loves to knit, sketch, and swing in parks. Binge-reads a massive amount of manga from psychological to shounen-ai. Either awkward or salty, there's no in-between.


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