Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1063: Blackbeard Pirates’ New Devil Fruit Powers Vs. Law!

Chapter 1063 of One Piece gives us a rampaging Kuma on the hunt for the Straw Hat Pirates on Egghead Island. Just as Jewelry Bonney tries to stop Luffy from hurting her father, Oda cuts off the fight to bring us to something even more exciting than Vegapunk and Pacifistas. Didn’t think […]

Manga News One Piece

Rayleigh Wasn’t Chilling with Just a Bartender in Ch 1059 of One Piece

As always, the latest chapter of One Piece has revealed another secret. Chapter 1059 cleared up the hidden identity of Rayleigh’s partner. The chapter shows a flashback of how Blackbeard tried to invade Amazon Lily. Blackbeard’s full-scale attack left Boa helpless, and she was on the verge of[…]

Manga One Piece

How did Buggy become a Yonko? One Piece chapter 1056 drops some hints

Towards the end of the Wano arc, everyone and their mothers expected either Eustass Kidd or Trafalgar Law to join Luffy to fill the Yonko spots left after the defeat of Big Mom and Kaido. But since Oda-sensei is Oda-sensei, fans kind of expected something bigger coming soon. However, nobody [..]  

Manga One Piece

Buggy is Now a Yonko – How & Why did that happen? One Piece Explanation

The hype surrounding chapter 1053 of One Piece doesn’t seem to be dying down. In fact, it seems to be increasing. Oda more or less achieved peak fiction with his latest chapter, and like the cool guy that he is, he timed it in such a way that it is the last chapter before the 1-month hiatus […]

Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1053 Leaks: Luffy’s Bounty, New Yonkos, Ryokugyu, Revealed!

Oda sure knows how to stir a room. The One Piece fandom is up in a frenzy after the leaks and additional spoilers for chapter 1053 were released. Let’s just say, the new and final chapter before the hiatus has thrown all our expectations out the window. And this isn’t necessarily a bad thing […]