Anime Blog Karakuri Circus

Is Karakuri Circus anime finished? Should you give it a watch?

Have you ever heard of an anime about circus performers fighting to the death? Yeah, me neither, until I stumbled upon Karakuri Circus. As a fan of shonen anime, I was pleasantly surprised by the unique concept of this series. Karakuri Circus is definitely over the top. But that’s what makes it so […]

Anime Karakuri Circus News

Karakuri Circus Returns To Petrify Your View About Circus; This Time On Blu-Ray

When was the last time you thought about circus, and it sent a chill down your spine and made the smiling clowns abhorrent? For me, it was back in 2018 when Karakuri Circus started airing. Twisting the cliché theme of ‘smiling’ and bringing more to it than […]