Manga News

Kiss Magazine Launches Natsume Ono and Aki Amasawa’s New Manga in June and May

Natsume Ono is a manga writer who is best known for his works, Amato Amaro, Kuma to Interi, Not Simple, House of Five Leaves, and Ristorante Paradiso. Ono is one of the prolific writers in the manga world, and many of her works have been adapted into anime series. She is now is coming back with[…]

Anime Dororo Gintama Listicles

Top 10 Must-Watch Samurai Anime Of All Time & Where To Watch Them!

As a child, everyone one of us picked up a stick and held it as a sword acting like a samurai because they looked cool to us, didn’t they? Samurai were pre-modern Japan’s aristocrat warriors who rose to power in the 12th century and became the highest-ranking social caste of the Edo Period (1603-1867) and […]