Anime Detective Conan News

Check Out the Latest Gag Promo for ‘Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa’

With a franchise as long-running as Detective Conan, you would think it would exhaust itself of fresh material, especially due to its episodic nature. Well, it’s quite the opposite, as you would be surprised by the number of unique spinoffs this anime generates. Detective Conan: The Culprit[…]

Anime Detective Conan News

‘Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa’ Spinoff Releases a Playful Visual

If you are a Detective Conan fan, you must have noticed the ‘black silhouette’ trend in the series. Every criminal is shown as a featureless black character till their identity is revealed. Detective Conan’s latest spinoff, The Culprit Hanazawa, cashes in on the concept to create a whole new[…]