Sakamoto Days is back with its latest installment of the anime, and since the previous episode ended with two very important fights left unfinished, episode 5 was much awaited. The previous episode ended with Sakamoto facing off against Boiled and drunk Lu fighting Obiguro. The tension is immense as Shin’s life is on the line, and Sakamoto, who couldn’t wait to meet his family, has suddenly transformed into his slim version.
In this article, we’ll cover the major events of episode 5 of Sakamoto Days. We’ll also reveal the release date and speculations for the upcoming episode of the anime. We urge you to watch the anime, though, as it is quite worthwhile.
1. Sakamoto Days Episode 6 Release Date
Episode 6 of Sakamoto Days will be aired on Saturday, the 8th of February, in Japan. Netflix will release the 6th episode on the 15th of February, 2025. You can stream Sakamoto Days on Netflix.
I. Will Sakamoto Days Be On Break Next Week?
No, Sakamoto Days is not on a break. Episode 6 will air on the above-mentioned date as per schedule without any delay.
2. Sakamoto Days Episode 5 Recap
Episode 5 of Sakamoto Days started out with the fight between Obiguro and Lu, and interestingly enough, she was able to keep up with the professional assassin’s speed. Obiguro’s condition for not hurting Shin was if Lu could hit her once every 10 seconds, which Lu was more than capable of doing in her drunk state. After Lu chugged a bit more alcohol, her speed and strength increased even more, to the point that she actually had Obiguro cornered for a moment. However, the effect of the alcohol wore out abruptly, and Lu stopped fighting and appeared confused for a while.

At this point, even Obiguro forfeited the match, as she had a newfound appreciation for Lu, since she found her to be immensely strong and respectable, they chummed up real quick as well. Meanwhile, Sakamoto was seen fighting against Boiled, who he was finally able to remember after getting hit by a few of his bombs. Sakamoto, in his skinny form, was far more agile and powerful, and he was able to counter every one of Boiled’s attacks and even give powerful counterattacks. Their fight ended in a matter of minutes, after which they were caught by Sakamoto’s wife, who had caught on to the fact that there was a bounty on Sakamoto.

Sakamoto’s wife was angry at the fact that he hid such important information from her, but she accepted the situation, scolded him, and then had them resume their amusement park trip. At this point, Sakamoto realized that they’d have to track down the client who put a bounty on Sakamoto and have them rescind the bounty. The next morning, Sakamoto (who had regained all his weight) headed to find clues on Dondenkai. They entered a shop that sold information on assassins in the form of movies. After learning what they had to learn about Dondenkai, they hatched their plot to sneak in.
Meanwhile, the viewers were introduced to a group called The Order, which is a group of powerful assassins within the JAA, of which Nagumo too is a part. The JAA had the Order investigate a recent incident where over a hundred assassins related to the JAA were murdered by a mysterious organization. Meanwhile, Sakamoto, Shin, and Xaio Lu snuck into the Dondenkai HQ without alerting anyone in the building. When they reached the floor, which had the higher authorities, they found out that they were all slaughtered, and the room contained no one but Nagumo.

Nagumo explained that everyone had been murdered by a mysterious organization that always leaves an ‘X’ mark at their site of action. The JAA chose to call this organization the “Slur”, and Nagumo asked Sakamoto to beware of this organization as well. Nagumo also gave Shin and Lu and simple introduction to the Order and also revealed the fact that Sakamoto used to be an ex-Order member. He then told Sakamoto that the years of retirement had gotten him rusty since he had a pretty hard time fighting an assassin as weak as Boiled. The episode ended with Sakamoto strengthening his conviction to get stronger so that he could protect everyone he cared about.
4. About Sakamoto Days
“Sakamoto Days” is a comedy-action manga by Yuto Suzuki published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The author is already known for two successful one-shots, Garaku and Locker Room.
The first chapter of this manga series was released on November 21, 2020. The story follows the Ultimate Assassin, Taro Sakamoto, who shifts to a much more peaceful lifestyle after falling in love with a convenience store owner.
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