Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Chapter 202: Release Date, Speculation, Read Online

Chapter 201 of Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint is titled “Reading Again Part 8.” In this chapter, Dokja asks Sookyung to tell her story so that he can understand her.

The touching moment where Dokja finally agrees to listen to her mother’s story properly is immediately ruined by an external factor. As lightning strikes above Sookyung and a large black pillar descends, Dokja knows this could only mean one thing.

While Joonghyuk and Dokja stare helplessly, a hole in the sky opens the way for an Outer God’s true body to crawl through to their world.

Here are the latest updates.

1. Chapter 202 Raw Scans

Raw scans of Chapter 202 of ‘Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’ have not been released yet. The raw scans surface one to two days before the chapter’s release, so return and check.

2. Chapter 202 Release Date

Chapter 202 of ‘Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’ will be released on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. It is a weekly Manhwa, and new chapters are released every Wednesday. You can read more ‘Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’ Manhwa on Webtoons.

I. Is Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint on a Break?

‘Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint’ is not on a break this week. Chapter 202 has not been delayed and will be released on the above-stated date.

3. Chapter 202 Speculation

With the descent of the Outer God and the fighting between the Constellation and Nebulae, Kim Dokja is forced to make a decision. Dokja refuses to submit to the fate forced upon him by the Constellations and wants to follow his own path.

I. Dokja and Joonghyuk vs Outer God

Kim Dokja has the support of Joonghyuk in his battle against the Outer God. Under normal circumstances, neither Dokja nor Joonghyuk could even imagine stopping the true body of such a powerful beast. However, Dokja plans to use the power of his own Nebula and defeat the Outer God. Moreover, Jungyeong is still with Dokja, which provides him with two more powerful strikes.

II. Sookyung Dies

As the Outer God has struck Sookyung first and descended upon the world, she may die. Despite Sookyung’s powerful Constellation, she is vulnerable to attacks now that the Eight Beaded Bell has broken. Moreover, the Constellations cannot be trusted to save Sookyung, and Dokja is forced to fight the Outer God instead of tending to her.

4. Chapter 201 Recap

Kim Dokja prepares to listen to Sookyung’s story properly and asks why she’s gone this far. Vedas, Papyrus, and Olympus watch Dokja’s fate as a lightning bolt strikes Sookyung from above. Dokja watches as Sookyung takes the full blow of the lightning, spurting blood and nearly falling unconscious.

Dokja tries to run and catch Sookyung, but her Constellation stops him from approaching her. The Eight Beaded Bell falls apart in Sookyung’s hands, crumbling into multiple pieces. A large black pillar splits the clouds and strikes before Dokja, turning the sky into a thunderstorm.

Dokja tells everyone to look away from the sky and close their eyes. Through the hole in the sky, the Outer God crawls through to the world. The Constellation Founder’s Mother summoned the Outer God by using her Shadow as the sacrifice. Dokja realizes the actual body of the Outer God has now entered his realm.

Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Chapter 202: Release Date, Speculation, Read Online
Outer God | Source: Webtoons

Joonghyuk tells Dokja that neither can even imagine stopping the Outer God. Dokja puts his hopes in the Constellation, making a move after seeing a being that strong in their world. However, Dokja is met with complete silence as the Outer God descends.

The acts of Vedas and Olympus anger the Constellations, and Dokja realizes this situation happened because of him. Several Constellations are waiting for Dokja to succeed in their fables and choose a Nebula. Dokja asks Joonghyuk if he remembers the Nebula they made named Kim Dokja Company. 

Joonghyuk says he wants to choose Nebula’s name and steps up next to Dokja with his sword, ready to fight. Kim Dokja tells the Constellations that he refuses to submit to their fate and will choose his own path instead.

Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Chapter 202: Release Date, Speculation, Read Online
Kim Dokja | Source: Webtoons

5. Where to Read Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint?

6. About Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint

Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint is a Korean metafictional apocalyptic fantasy webnovel penned by the author-duo Sing Shong. It was adapted into a webtoon by the same name in February 2020, one day after the end of the webnovel.

It follows the story of Kim Dokja, an ordinary salaried contractor, who one day, finds himself stuck in the world of his favorite fantasy novel. The webnovel is called Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World, written by an anonymous author who goes by the name of tls123. Dokja was the sole reader who finished this novel to the end.

When the novel suddenly becomes reality, Dokja is the only person who has unique knowledge of this apocalyptic new world. He knows how the plot of the story ends and therefore has the best chance of survival. 

But will he actually survive? Not without changing the course of the story as well as the world as he knows it.


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