The official U.S. release dates for Look Back, the critically acclaimed animated movie based on Chainsaw Man’s Tatsuki Fujimoto’s one-shot manga, have been set. The independent film distributor GKIDS, known for its quality Studio Ghibli releases, announced that it has acquired both the theatrical and home release rights for the upcoming film and will release the highly anticipated anime movie in North American cinemas this October.
When will Look Back Anime Film Premiere in the US?
The Wrap announced the upcoming North American release of the Look Back anime movie by the New York-based distributor. GKIDS will release Look Back in theaters on October 4, 2024, making it available in theaters nationwide in its original Japanese language, with English subtitles, ensuring that fans across the country can enjoy this cinematic experience.
Keep an eye out for the upcoming home media release, with GKIDS leading the way as the English distributor for many of Studio Ghibli’s iconic films, including Kiki’s Delivery Service and the recent The Boy and the Heron. GKIDS is also set to bring the upcoming Shonen Jump anime Dandadan to your screens, and they’ve already impressed us with other critically acclaimed anime movies like A Silent Voice and Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.
The movie, based on the critically acclaimed original manga by best-selling author Tatsuki Fujimoto (Chainsaw Man), is in the capable hands of director Kiyotaka Oshiyama, who has already won a lot of hearts in Japan. You can catch a glimpse of his talent in the new trailer below.
Look Back Earned Praise Worldwide
Since its domestic release in June, Look Back has received high praise from anime fans for its emotional story about two girls, pursuing their dreams of becoming manga artists. The story delves into their complex relationship, which starts as a rivalry but evolves into a deep bond, and how it shapes their future.
Fujimoto, who wrote the Shonen Jump one-shot story back in 2021, praised the animated movie adaptation by Kiyotaka Oshiyama, who wrote, directed, and did character designs for the movie at his animation studio. Toshio Suzuki, the chairman and co-founder of Studio Ghibli, equally praised Look Back, as did renowned Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara.
Originally released earlier this year in Japan, Look Back has not only been a hit at home but also a global sensation. The film debuted on over 100 screens and grossed over 1 billion yen ($6.9 million) at the box office, a testament to its widespread appeal. Its triumphant premiere has led to an extended run in Japan. The film is also the first feature production from Studio Durian, a company founded by Oshiyama.
Prior to his work on Look Back, Oshiyama was a Key Animator on Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron and also worked on the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man. The director had previously hinted that he is aiming to create Look Back film differently from the manga. So, even if you’re familiar with the manga, you still have the theatrical release to look forward to.
About Look Back
Look Back is a one-shot manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto that was published in the Shonen Jump+ magazine on July 19, 2021. A movie is set to premiere in Japanese theatres on June 28, 2024.
The story follows the relationship between two aspiring manga authors, Ayumu Fujino and her shut-in classmate, Kyomoto, as they become friendly artistic rivals sharing their love for creating manga. It departs from Fujimoto’s previous work, promising a more heartfelt and emotionally resonant experience. Fans and newcomers alike are eagerly anticipating its release.
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