The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?

With its vibrant art style, memorable characters, and captivating storylines, anime has become a cultural phenomenon that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. 

I’ve been a hardcore fan for almost a decade, but lately, I’ve lost that spark of excitement for the latest seasonal shows. 

A lot of the anime currently follow the same old cliches and tropes that we’ve seen a million times before. As anime has become more popular and profitable, studios are more inclined to play it safe with tried-and-true formulas.

The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?
Ex-Arm | Source: Fandom

Maybe age does have something to do with it, or perhaps it’s just that taste evolves with time. Either way, it’s a bummer.

How Repetitive Anime Plots Are Destroying the Art Form

Many anime these days feel like the same old thing with a different coat of paint. Sure, there are a few gems every year, but the rest of the stuff feels like it’s on autopilot.

Every main character in a given genre seems to be cut from the same cloth with the same personality traits. They all act and talk alike! 

The predictability and lack of variety in anime have become significant issues. With a heavy emphasis on production values and reliance on formulaic storylines, finding anime that stands out has become increasingly difficult. 

The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?
Domestic Girlfriend | Source: Fandom

And what’s up with shows assuming we already know everything about the world and characters? I need that world-building and character development to keep me invested.

The anime market is oversaturated, and the time crunch to produce more and more shows every year isn’t helping matters. 

It’s a shame because there are talented people working on these shows, but they don’t have the time or resources to put their all into it.

Why does trash anime exist & why is there so much of it?

I love anime, but there’s a ton of it out there that’s just plain garbage. Every season we’re bombarded with the same cookie-cutter shows. 

And they keep making more of them! Why, you ask? Well, it’s all about the money, honey. 

With such a huge market for anime, studios are pumping out a ton of mediocre shows to appeal to the masses. Isekai, harem, rom-com, incest – these themes may lack originality, but they have a consistent fanbase.

The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?
Pathetic anime | Source: MAL

We’re given so many choices at such a breakneck pace that it’s hard to keep up. It’s like they want us to burn out! A predatory marketing tactic if you ask me.

The Production Problem: Are companies responsible for the lack of good anime?

The problem is that studios focus more on making a quick buck than producing high-quality shows.

The decline in anime quality isn’t solely the producers’ fault but rather a symptom of the entertainment industry. Stories with a passionate fanbase who will spend a ton of money on merchandise and DVDs are prioritized. 

The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?
Eromanga | Source: Crunchyroll

Now, I’m not blaming the studios entirely. They don’t make much money from the anime because the big companies investing in the production take most of the revenue.

Their main source of income is from DVD sales and merchandise. This gives them a lot of money for a few months after the anime airs, but then it’s slim pickings until the next one comes out.

How Age Affects Your Perception of Quality: Are you too old for anime?

It all starts with a little taste of anime, maybe with something like Pokemon or Beyblade. But then you stumble upon that one show that lights a fire in your belly, and you binge-watch entire seasons like it’s nothing.

For many seasoned fans’ the excitement to watch anime fades over time. While age may play a role in this decline, other factors such as personal taste, genre preferences, and the overall quality of the anime also affect one’s enjoyment.

The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?

It’s because our brains get used to the stimuli, good or bad, and the novelty wears off. 

So, while watching anime used to be a wild ride with endless surprises, it won’t stay the same way forever.

How to Overcome the Feeling of Anime Boredom

First things first, take a break! If you’re not enjoying what you’re watching, switch it up and watch some movies or shows instead. Your brain will thank you for the change of pace.

And you don’t need to watch every anime out there. Don’t just rely on reviews and scores on MAL; trust your own tastes.

When you feel burned out on anime, take a break and try some other forms of media. Be selective with what you watch and choose something that genuinely appeals to you.

The Decline of Anime Storytelling: Why has it become stale and boring?
Anya-Forger | Source: Fandom

If you’re really tired of it all, consider stepping away from media and maybe even go outside and touch some grass, seriously. 

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy what you’re watching. Don’t let anime or any other form of entertainment consume your entire life.


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