A Comprehensive Guide to Skip the Entire Campaign in Last Epoch

Skipping the campaign of Last Epoch is possible, but it isn’t as easy as pressing a button, as is the case with Diablo 4. Whether you want to try out multiple characters, learn new skills, or level up quickly, skipping the campaign will be fruitful.

Before you begin, you need to learn about the prerequisites and the items required to skip the campaign for Last Epoch. While this may be an arduous task, it will be well worth the effort.

1. How to skip the campaign in Last Epoch?

How to skip the campaign in Last Epoch? - Detailed Guide
Soulfire Bastion Dungeon Key

To skip the campaign for Last Epoch, players need to complete the campaign once and have the dungeon keys for the Lightless Arbor, Soulfire Bastion, and Temporal Sanctum dungeons. They can be obtained by completing Monoliths of Fate, with level requirements of  22,45 and 55.

Once you have all the required dungeon keys, start the journey with your new character to skip the campaign.

2. Access the Monolith System by Reaching the End of Time

The Monolith System can be accessed at the End of Time around Level 15. Start doing echoes and leveling up in the first monolith if you possess the required leveling items.

Alternatively, you can level up to 55 and start doing the dungeons and switching back and forth between them and the monoliths. For now, move on to the next step which is finding the Lightless Arbor Dungeon.

3. Gain Access to Imperial Era Through Lightless Arbor Dungeon

How to skip the campaign in Last Epoch? - Detailed Guide
Lightless Arbor Dungeon

Head to the Lightless Arbor Dungeon once you get past Level 22. It is an unforgiving dungeon, so prioritize your defenses to clear this dungeon. Complete the initial campaign stages until you reach the Council of Chambers in the Ruined Era. From there, head towards The Surface.

Keep going North to The Shrouded Region to find Lightless Arbor. Clear this dungeon to access the Imperial Era through the Corrupted Lake.

4. Head to Soulfire Bastion to Enter the Divine Era

How to skip the campaign in Last Epoch? - Detailed Guide
Soulfire Bastion

Once you’re in the Imperial Era, head to The Risen Lake and then Northeast to The Felled Wood to find the Soulfire Bastion. Completing this dungeon will take you to the Divine Era.

5. Enter the Temporal Sanctum Through a Time Rift

Comprehensive Guide to Skip the Entire Campaign in Last Epoch
The Temporal Sanctum

In the Divine Era, head to Maj’Elka and find a time rift from there at The Shining Cove. This leads to the Ruined Coast and the entrance to the Temporal Sanctum. By conquering this dungeon, you can access The Radiant Dunes in the Divine Era, skipping to Chapter Nine.

This skips most of the campaign, and all the quests are unlocked there, which will help you unlock all Idol Slots and bonus Passive Points without replaying the entirety of the campaign.

6. How long does it take to beat Last Epoch?

The Last Epoch campaign takes 15-17 hours to beat without side quests and 33-35 hours for 100% completion. The game spans nine chapters, divided into three eras: Divine Era, Ruined Era, and Imperial Era.

This is just a rough estimate, as it can take longer to beat players on higher difficulty levels. The amount of time spent on puzzles, dungeons, and quests can vary from player to player, differing the playtime. 

That’s all you need to know about skipping the campaign for Last Epoch. For more guides on the game, check out the link down below:

7. About Last Epoch

Last Epoch is a hack and slash action role-playing game developed by Eleventh Hour Games (EHG). The game is set in the world of Eterra across several timelines. It was released on February 21, 2024 for PC.

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