Dragon Quest Episode 97 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online

Velzar, the king of the Abyss, showed up in episode 96 of Dragon Quest, titled “Like a Bright Flash.”

It turns out that all of this was a bet between Velzar and Vearn. They had a god complex and thus strived to become god themselves. Vearn has clearly won the bet and is now on the verge of destroying the surface world.

Lon Beruk tried to stop the explosion, but his efforts seemed futile. Vearn still has the upper hand, but someone managed to motivate Popp to get up again, and in return, Popp motivated Dai to get up and fight Vearn.

Here are the latest updates.

Episode 97 Speculations

Popp and Dai will fight Vearn in episode 97 of Dragon Quest, titled “Tears of the God.”

The two of them are in bad condition, but now, their punches and magic spells will do more damage than they did at full strength. No one else is out there to help them, but it looks like someone will come out of one of the Eye jewels.

Dragon Quest Episode 97 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online
Popp | Source: Official Website

It is most probably Avan, as, without him, it is impossible for them to win this battle. The fight will end in the next two episodes. We are arriving at the climax, and I can’t wait for it to end.

Episode 97 Release Date

Episode 97 of the Dragon Quest: The Adventures of Dai anime, titled “Tears of the God”, has been released on Friday, Sep 30, 2022.

1. Is Dragon Quest on break this week?

No, episode 97 of Dragon Quest is not on break this week. The episode will be released as scheduled.

Episode 96 Recap

Vearn is standing in front of a defeated Popp. They all suddenly hear a voice, and a hole opens up in the sky. The voice is of Velazr, the king of the Abyss. Velzar reveals that he, too, wanted the surface world but failed.

Velzar was sealed in the underworld after a fight with the Dragon Knight. The Spirit of Celesta took his defeated soul and bound it, leaving him in a petrified state.

Dragon Quest Episode 97 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online
Dragon Quest | Source: Official Website

Vearn tells him that the reaper he sent to Vearn, Kill, has died. Vearn proudly states that he has won the bet. Popp is shocked to hear that all of this has been a bet between Vearn and Velzar as they wanted to take over the surface world and become the god themselves.

Vearn offers to break Velzar’s seal, but it hurts his pride. Velzar begins to leave but not before mocking Dai. Popp has lost all his hopes, but suddenly, he hears a voice telling him not to give up. It is the voice of Merle. She tells him that she woke up before the pillar fell down and took everyone to a safe place.

She tells him there is still a way to defeat vearn. Lon Beruk and Nova are heading towards the palace. They seal the Black Core with ice to stop the explosion. Vearn tells them that this trick will only work if all six pillars are frozen.

Vearn calls Lon Beruk to the palace, but he refuses as he has decided to spend his life with Dai and his friends (how romantic!). Popp stands up again but fails to use any magic, thanks to Vearn sealing the palace with his power.

Everyone on the ground starts spreading around the world to stop the explosion. They all split into one of the six pillars. However, they still lack the manpower to complete the task.

Popp refuses to give up and starts narrating his childhood story to Vearn. He tells him that when he was little, he one night thought about why people die and what happens to them. His mother answered that everyone dies. Therefore, we put all our might into living.

Hence, he is going to fight till his last breath. Hearing his motivational speech, Dai too wakes up, and both of them attack Vearn.

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About Dragon Quest: Dai no Daiboken (2020)

Dragon Quest is an anime and manga series based on the rpg video game of the same name.

The story features Dai, a boy living in the Dermline Islands and his quest of becoming a hero and realizing his powers and helping Princess Leona along the way.

The games were adapted into two major television series. Dragon Quest: The Adventures of Dai is the remake of the 1991 series which had 46 episodes in total.


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