Blog Minecraft Movies

The Minecraft Movie Trailer: Major Flaws with the Live Action Movie Explained

A Minecraft Movie’s first trailer has sparked much debate online because it appears to confirm the biggest error made in the video game adaptation. Video game movies were once always a surefire sign of critical failure. Still, the curse has been lifted thanks to the release of fantastic movies like…..

Blog Minecraft Movies

Every Minecraft Video Game Character Confirmed For The Live-Action Movie

A Minecraft Movie brings the sandbox video game world to life on the big screen, with a few recognizable faces confirmed to appear. The 2025 film is a live-action adaptation of the 2011 best-selling video game. […]

Blog Minecraft Movies

The Minecraft movie: Release Date, Cast ,Plot and Everything We Know Till Now

Different people are affected by Minecraft in different ways. Some see it as an infinite open-world role-playing game. Some may think it’s just a group of square cows. Everything is really exciting for a 14-year-old boy in your life. There is so much to discover! So why not examine it on a large scr….

Minecraft Movies News

Minecraft Movie Director Teases Game Authenticity and Size of the Film

Minecraft movie producer Jon Berg teases its magnanimous scale and promises that the film will be faithful to the size of the game. Minecraft is one of the most popular games in history, and its film adaptation was stuck in developmental hell for almost a decade at Warner Bros. However, the studi[…]

Minecraft News

Minecraft Live 2020 Has Been Scheduled for October!

Minecraft fans, listen up! Mojang has some interesting news for all of you! The Minecon 2020 event has finally received a scheduled date for its live stream, and it is coming way sooner than expected! It shouldn’t come across as a surprise when I, and many others, claim that Minecraft is one of the most […]