Aria the Benedizione Film Will Conclude The Blue Curtain Call Trilogy in Winter 2021

The revival of the Aria anime after so many years was a dream come true for all its fans, and I am so glad to see more Aria content coming down the line!

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It has hardly been two weeks since the release of Aria the Crepuscolo, and the franchise has already confirmed their next film.

The Aria franchise will be celebrating its 15th anniversary with two films in 2021. Thus, we will get to see more sci-fi experiences from the beautiful planet of “aqua,” which was initially known as Mars.

On Sunday, the official website for the Aria franchise revealed a new teaser for their next film, Aria the Benedizione. The film will premiere in Winter 2021.

“ARIA The BENEDIZIONE” super special news video

The teaser video takes us to the canals of the fascinating Aquan city of Neo-Venezia. The picturesque view and the European-style houses somewhat remind us of Venice.

The teaser visual focuses on a line that says, “The feelings towards you were my beginning”.

“ARIA The BENEDIZIONE” will be the final installment for Blue Curtain Call Trilogy. A Teaser visual has been revealed! The design is such that Aika and Akira of Himeya face each other. Please look forward to future updates.

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Coming to the visual, it features Aika and Akira extending a flower towards each other. Fans are expecting that both of them will play major roles in the upcoming film.

The staff and cast details for the film have already been released, which mostly includes the same names that we have seen in the past years.

PositionStaffOther Works
Director and ScriptwriterJunichi SatoAll previous Aria anime
Character DesignYoko ItoAmanchu!, Skate-Leading Stars
MusicChoro ClubAll previous Aria anime  
CharactersCastOther Works
Alice CarrollRyou Hirohashi Kyou Fujibayashi (Clannad)
Anya DostoyevskayaAi KayanoYuriko Hori (Horimiya)
Aika S. GranzchestaChiwa SaitoSchierke (Berserk)
Akira E. Ferrari  Junko MinagawaMereoleona Vermillion (Black Clover)

Singer and voice actor, Kiyono Yasuno, is performing the film’s opening theme titled “Felicità”, and the ending theme titled “echoes.”

Aria the Benedizione Film will Conclude the Blue Curtain Call Trilogy in Winter 2021
Aria | Source: Crunchyroll

Aria the Benedizione will be the final project of the Blue Curtain Call trilogy. It’s still too early to predict what’s coming next, and we are waiting for a full-length trailer for a better idea of its plot.

The Aria franchise has earned the luxury of a loyal fan-base through years of hard work, and fans have high hopes for this final installment to wrap up the trilogy with perfection.

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About Aria

Aria is an anime series based on the original manga written and illustrated by Kozue Amano. The first season of anime titled “Aria the Animation,” started airing in October 2006, and then it received two more seasons in 2006 and 2008.

The story is set in the 24th century, where humans successfully colonized the planet, Aqua, previously known as Mars. This technological advancement, however, did not interfere with the rustic beauty of the red planet.

The protagonist, Akari Mizunashi, a care-free, and cheery teen, works as a guide in Aria. Join her on various adventures as she meets new people, learns valuable lessons, and explores the beautiful planet.


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