Yoo Joonghyuk’s Love Interest from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Discussed


  • Yoo Joonghyuk ended up with Lee Seolhwa in the Original timeline as well as the Second regression.
  • In the Third regression, Joonghyuk was unable to recruit her as she had been possessed by Antinus.
  • In the Main 5th scenario, Dokja saved Seolhwa and recruited her. So now she is a close friend/Comrade of Joonghyuk at the company.
  • However, there is a chance that they will end up together again, perhaps in the ongoing Manhwa.

Everyone wants to know about the most jaw-droppingly handsome man, Yoo Joonghyuk’s love interest from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint.

Like love, Yoo Joonghyuk’s relationship with his love interest is complicated.

In this article, we will discuss everything related to Joonghyuk’s love interest and his relationship with her in different timelines.

Note: Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Spoilers up ahead for Manhwa readers [spoilers_warning]

1. Who does Yoo Joonghyuk end up with?

Yoo Joonghyuk ended up with Lee Seolhwa in the original timeline and the second regression.

However, in the main scenario 5, they’re members of Dokja’s company and are just close friends/comrades.

Their ship has come to a halt for now, but given that they were passionate lovers in 2 timelines, we’ve just got to wait for spring to see their love blossom. 

2. Original Timeline, 0th round

In the Original timeline or the 0th round, before Joonghyuk had begun his regressions, he had recruited Lee Seolhwa to be a part of his party.

She was among the few that he trusted. Together they completed all 99 scenarios and slayed the Dokkaebi King. After that, they rebuilt their own world.

Who does Yoo Joonghyuk end up with in ORV?
Seolhyuk | Source: Fandom

Lee Seolhwa had started an orphanage, the Star Counting Night with Shin Yoosung.

Yoo Joonghyuk married Lee Seolhwa 7 years after the scenarios had ended. They didn’t have any children of their own, but they showered their love on the kids of the orphanage.

However, after Yoo Joonghyuk died and regressed for the first time, Lee Seolhwa was presumed to be taking care of the kids at the orphanage alone, this happened 25 years after the scenarios were over.

3. Second regression

In the Second Regression, they were married and had a child as well, however, their “Happily Ever After” didn’t last for long as Lee Seolhwa and their child passed away after a while.

After this painful turn of events, Joonghyuk wasn’t able to recruit Seolhwa again.

Seolhwa even got possessed by the parasite queen, Antinus, and became one of the 10 antagonists of the Ways of Survival.

4. Third regression

In the Third Regression, Joonghyuk tried to find his lost lover, Seolhwa.

Who does Yoo Joonghyuk end up with in ORV?
Lee Seolhwa | Source: Fandom

He tried to recruit her as well but failed as she was possessed and used her stigma, “Thousand Spirits Poison” against him.

5. Main 5th Scenario

The Main 5th Scenario is when Kim Dokja saves the day.

He knew that Seolhwa was possessed and so he used the Guam Divine Doctor’s artifacts to nullify and extract Antinus from her body, setting her free at last.

Lee Seolhwa finally regained her senses and was confused by the whole ordeal. Dokja explained to her about what had happened and the fact that Joonghyuk had ordered to kill her.

Dokja knew better and knew about Joonghyuk’s regressive cycles.

He saved Selohwa and recruited her as a part of his company.

Our ship Seolhyuk is anchored, as both of them are close friends at Dojka’s company.

Even though the Light Novel ended this year, we can have a glimmer of hope for the Manhwa which is still ongoing.

As this ship will most likely sail given that the seed of love is somewhere underneath, it will germinate anytime soon and yield flowers by spring.

6. About Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint

Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint is a Korean metafictional apocalyptic fantasy webnovel penned by the author-duo Sing Shong. It was adapted into a webtoon by the same name in February 2020, one day after the end of the webnovel.

It follows the story of Kim Dokja, an ordinary salaried contractor, who one day, finds himself stuck in the world of his favorite fantasy novel. The webnovel is called Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World, written by an anonymous author who goes by the name of tls123. Dokja was the sole reader who finished this novel to the end.

When the novel suddenly becomes reality, Dokja is the only person who has unique knowledge of this apocalyptic new world. He knows how the plot of the story ends and therefore has the best chance of survival. 

But will he actually survive? Not without changing the course of the story as well as the world as he knows it.


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