If you’re a fan of the Scarlet Speedster, chances are that you’ve been making your way through CW’s The Flash. Besides the magnificently told stories surrounding Barry and Team Flash, the villains themselves are a big highlight of the show, which make it worth watching.
Through the course of eight seasons, Barry faces so many adversaries that it’s difficult to put a count on it. Of course, each season does have at least one main villain.
The main villains in The Flash (Seasons 1 – 8) are Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar, The Thinker, Cicada, Bloodwork, Anti-monitor, and Deathstorm.
Each of these villains bring in a new flavor of terror in their respective seasons, so let’s look into each of these villains in detail.
1. Who is the main villain in The Flash S1?

The main villain in The Flash S1 is Professor Eobard Thawne/Dr. Harrison Wells also known as Reverse-Flash. He is revealed to be the man who killed Barry’s mother.
The most painful wounds are the ones that hit the closest to home. For Barry, that was finding out that his mentor was a psychopathic villain who was also responsible for his mother’s death. To date, this continues to be one of the show’s biggest shocking reveals.
Other minor villains that appear in this season: The Pied Piper, Captain Cold, Heat Wave, The Clock King, Blackout, and Tony Woodward
2. Who is the main villain in The Flash S2?
The main villain in The Flash S2 is Hunter Solomon/Zoom whose goal was to eliminate everyone connected to the Speed Force across the multiverse.
After saving the day in S1, Barry has a new adversary to face — yet another speedster from Earth-2, Zoom. This season uses the same trickery as the previous one by revealing that Zoom was none other than Jay Garrick, who had claimed to be a superhero. You can’t trust anyone, eh?
Other minor villains that appear in this season: Atom Smasher, Sand Demon, Louis Snart, Doctor Alchemy, Mirror Master, and Vandal Savage.
3. Who is the main villain in The Flash S3?

Savitar is the main villain of The Flash S3. He is also known by the names, Alchemy/God of Speed. He’s one of The Flash’s biggest villains because he’s an “evil” version of Barry.
We spend S3 figuring out what Savitar’s agenda is and why he’s so keen on killing Iris. Only later do we find out that Savitar can only be “created” from an anger and grief-driven Barry. In order to ensure Barry tips over to the dark side and becomes Savitar, Savitar must kill Iris. Yup, it’s a Catch-22!
Other minor villains that appear in this season: Black Flash, Magenta, The Rival, Mirror Master, and Female Top.
4. Who is the main villain in The Flash S4?
The Thinker is the main villain of The Flash S4. In what he outlined as “The Enlightenment,” his agenda was to reboot all of humankind’s minds and rid them of any emotion, which he believed was the root of all conflict.
The Thinker was a supremely intelligent villain, but he was also caught up with his own trauma that he repurposed into a tiresome crusade. Added to this, his tragic romance with Marlize humanized him and gave the season quite a few emotional arcs — which is unusual to see for villains.
Other minor villains that appear in this season: Kilg%re, Hazard, Dwarfstar, Null and Folded Man.
5. Who is the main villain in The Flash S5?

The Cicada is the main villain in The Flash S5, whose main mission was to kill all the main meta-humans.
Arguably Cicada is not one of The Flash’s most enthralling antagonists, but thankfully this season also had another main plot line — introducing Barry’s future daughter who’s been causing chaos with her time traveling.
Other minor villains that appear in this season: Gorilla Grodd, Icicle, Godspeed, Acid Master, King Shark, and others.
6. Who is the main villain in The Flash S6?
Bloodwork and Anti-Monitor are the two main villains of The Flash S6. Bloodwork wanted to have control over everyone, including Barry whom he had once transformed into Negative Flash. Anti-Monitor, on the other hand, wanted to destroy the Darkseid on Prime Earth and end the age of the New Gods.
While Bloodwork was a more Flash-centric threat, Anti-Monitor became the Thanos-equivalent of the Arrovwerse.
Other minor villains that appear in this season: Godspeed, Amunet, Goldface, Gorilla Grodd, Pied Piper and others.
7. Who is the main villain in The Flash S7?

The Flash S7 does not have a main villain. Rather, Barry has to overcome the disappearance of the Speed Force, which he needs in order to find Iris who is lost in the multiverse.
So while this season did not have a main antagonist per se, Team Flash still had to face a lot of bad guys like Mirror Monarch and Godspeed.
8. Who is the main villain in The Flash S8?
Still Force, Reverse Flash, and Deathstorm are the main villains in The Flash S8. The Still Force is a new cosmic force introduced in the show that will cause a ruckus in Barry’s life, while he is also visited by his older enemy, Reverse Flash. Deathstorm will prove to be a force of pure evil, with his story being closely aligned to Caitlin’s.
Other minor villains that appear in this season: Damien Darhk, Despero, Rainbow Raider, The Trickster, and Null.
9. Who is the main villain in The Flash S9?
As of yet, no main villain has been confirmed prior to The Flash S9 premiere. However, it speculated that S9’s main antagonists could be Cobalt Blue, Red Death or Eddie Thawne — the latter being a popular fan theory.
While we don’t have any confirmations on who the main villain is yet, we do know which villains will appear in the last season for sure. The roster includes Cobalt Blue, Goldface, Murmur, Pied Piper, Captain Boomerang, Gorilla Grodd and Red Death.
All your questions will be answered in a few more days when The Flash S9 premiers!
10. About The Flash (The CW)
The Flash is an American superhero television series developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns. It is a spin-off from Arrow, existing in the same fictional universe known as Arrowverse.
Cast members include Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Rick Cosnett, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L. Martin, Keiynan Lonsdale among many others.
The series follows Barry Allen, a forensic investigator in Central City, who is hit by lightning on the night of the inauguration of the particle accelerator. Months later, he wakes up from a coma and discovers he has super-speed. He becomes The Flash and fights crime in Central City.
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