Transformers: Rise of the Beasts includes three different Transformer factions, the Autobots, the Maximals, and the Terrorcons fighting for control. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts features a first for the franchise by including the factions of the Maximals and Terrorcons alongside the Autobots, and here is every Transformer that appears in the film.
The Autobots return in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, though with a new ally in the form of the Maximals.
There are 14 Autobots, Maximals, and Terrocons, including some new additions in the new Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.
With the Autobots facing off against the Decepticons in all five of Bay’s Transformers movies and Bumblebee, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts also breaks new ground regarding its antagonists, a new faction called the Terrorcons.
That being said, here is every different Autobot, Maximal, and Terrorcon character included in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and any sequels the film may spawn.
The Autobots have been the protagonists of the Transformers series since the franchise’s inception in the 1980s. Since then, the Autobots have appeared across various mediums.
As expected, the Autobots return in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, marking the faction’s next appearance in live-action cinema before their almost guaranteed appearance in Transformers 8 and 9.
1. Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime has been the leader of the faction since the franchise began, leading the Autobots into battle once again. Prime has been serving as the heroic, caring leader of the Autobots, battling against the evil Decepticons and various other enemies.
In Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Prime returns as the Transformers’ leader in a conflict against a new enemy, the Terrorcons, on Earth in the 1990s. Sporting his red and blue semi-truck form once again, Optimus Prime is voiced by the iconic Peter Cullen in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, who began voicing the character back in the 1980s.
Indeed a nostalgic ride for die-hard fans.

2. Bumblebee
The most popular Transformer after Optimus Prime is Bumblebee, who returns in Transformers: Ruse of the Beasts.
He’s not the most talkative hero, as most fans would know that his voice box got permanently damaged after a battle with Blitzwing. Despite that, he remains cheeky and entertaining, constantly communicating with the people of Earth with his car’s built-in radio.
Bumblebee has been one of the protagonists of the Transformers franchise since its inception, particularly showcased during the Michael Bay movies and the spin-off Bumblebee.
The Autobot transforms into a black and yellow Chevrolet Camaro and is an Autobot scout who called the rest of the Autobots to Earth after the events of Bumblebee, setting up Rise of the Beasts.

3. Mirage
Mirage is described as an anti-authoritarian Autobot who gets into trouble and won’t listen to anyone. However, despite appearing in Dark of the Moon under “Dino,” he’s also being passed off as a “new character.”
Instead of his usual form of an F-1 race car, his alternate mode is a Porsche 911, which is more reminiscent of the character Jazz. However, the silver and blue color scheme he sports does sound evocative of Mirage’s typical designs in the source material.
Mirage is an Autobot spy capable of projecting other versions of himself to confuse and distract his enemies, enabling him to be adept at his espionage work. In Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Mirage is voiced by Pete Davidson.

4. Acree
Arcee is a female Autobot voiced by Liza Koshy in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Among the Autobot ranks, Arcee is a sharpshooter who can transform into a red-white Ducati motorcycle. Like Mirage, Rise of the Beasts is Arcee’s first appearance in live-action Transformers after appearing at length in the earlier series and movies.
The character is shown as immensely loyal to Optimus Prime and the Autobots, fighting alongside her comrades and the Maximals.

5. Wheeljack
Wheeljack is the lead scientist and mechanic of the Autobots in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Wheeljack takes the role of Ratchet from the previous Transformers live-action films, who served a similar purpose.
In Rise of the Beasts, Wheeljack is voiced by Cristo Fernández and transforms into a brown and white Volkswagen minivan. The character has humorous interactions with Ramos’ Noah due to the Autobot’s Latin-American accent and Noah’s similar upbringing.

6. Stratosphere
The final Autobot to appear in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is Stratosphere. This Autobot is an air soldier who provides transportation for the rest of the Autobots on their adventure. This is possible due to the character’s ability to transform into a cargo plane.
In Rise of the Beasts, Stratosphere is voiced by John DiMaggio, a long-time Transformers voice actor.
Behold your breath! The Maximals are here.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts sees the first inclusion of the Maximals in live-action Transformers. In the original Beast Wars cartoon – on which Rise of the Beasts is loosely based – the Maximals were the descendants of the Autobots.
They were then transported to prehistoric Earth, where they fought in a war against a faction of Transformers named the Predacons. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts sees the Maximals hiding out on Earth in the 1990s before teaming up with Optimus Prime and the Autobots.
1. Optimus Primal
The leader of the Maximals is Optimus Primal. As hinted by the similar name to the Autobot leader, Optimus Primal is at the head of the Maximal faction, voiced by Ron Perlman in Rise of the Beasts.
The character can transform into a western lowland gorilla, known as Primal’s beast form. Rise of the Beasts focuses more intensely on Optimus Primal than the other Maximals, outlining his history, time living on Earth, and connection with the humans.

2. Airazor
One of Optimus Primal’s top soldiers and closest confidants is Airazor (voiced by Michelle Yeoh), a Maximal scout who can transform into a Peregrine falcon. Usually, Airazor is known for working with another Maximal scout named Tigatron, who can transform into a tiger.
The two have even been able to merge to become the mighty Tigerhawk. Besides Optimus Primal, Airazor gets arguably the most screentime in Rise of the Beasts from the Maximals, serving as the team’s emotional center.
3. Cheetor
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts also includes Cheetor as a member of the Maximal faction. As evidenced by the character’s name, Cheetor’s beast form is that of a cheetah, capable of reaching incredible speeds. As a result, Cheetor serves as the Maximals’ scout, voiced by Tongayi Chirisa in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

4. Rhinox
Another Transformer as part of the Maximal roster in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is Rhinox. Again, as the name proves, Rhinox’s beast form is a white rhinoceros. In Rise of the Beasts, Rhinox is the Maximals’ commando, whose maximum size and brute strength allow him to conduct missions in small strike teams relatively quickly.
David Sobolov voices Rhinox in Rise of the Beasts, one of three characters Sobolov provides voice work for in the film.

5. Apelinq
The opening scene of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is set on the Maximals’ homeworld. Unicron is destroying the world, forcing Optimus Primal and his allies to flee.
One Maximal that stays behind is Apelinq, another Transformer able to turn into a gorilla. Apelinq is the second character voiced by Sobolov and gives his life to delay Scourge while his Maximal allies escape finding refuge on Earth.
Taking over for the Decepticons in live-action Transformers for Rise of the Beasts are the Terrorcons. In the original Transformers lore, Terrorcons were a subset of Decepticons who were often seen as less threatening than their counterparts. Rise of the Beasts, though, introduces a new take on the Terrorcons, who serve as the film’s primary antagonists.
1. Scourge
The leader of the Terrorcons in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is Scourge, voiced by Peter Dinklage.
Scourge is a deadly bounty hunter known for being a devastating force in battle with his destructive combat abilities, but his arrogance can foil him. He can transform into a mighty semi-truck like Optimus Prime.
Even though he’s often subordinate to more powerful Transformers, like Galvatron and Unicron, he’s also been known to lead his clan of robot hunters known as the Sweeps.
From the symbols of the Autobots, Maximals, and other Transformers factions, Scourge’s trophy-hunting ways make him one of the more formidable lackeys of Unicron.

2. Nightbird
Scourge has a second-in-command in the form of Nightbird, a Terrorcon ninja who utilizes many different weapons and a distinctive color palette to be an absolute terror to fight.
Although Nightbird’s name might make some think she can transform into a flying vehicle, she turns into a sporty Nissan Skyline GT-R. Nightbird’s name likely comes from her ninja-like fighting skills and how she can slice up foes in seconds.
Not only does her dark purple color palette help her blend into the dark sky for night missions, but her vast array of weapons makes her a formidable foe.
Her transformer form allows her to have many weapons. Nightbird is voiced by Michaela Jaé Rodriguez, making Rodriguez the first transgender actress in the franchise’s history to provide a voice for one of the characters.

3. Battletrap
The third Terrorcon in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is named Battletrap. Battletrap is the third and final character voiced by David Sobolov in the film. Battletrap transforms into a brown tow truck and is the lead enforcer of the Terrorcons. He is a powerhouse in battle, often used as the primary source of muscle besides Scourge in the film’s many combat scenes.
About Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is an upcoming American cybertron fantasy film and the seventh movie in the Transformers franchise, which started all the way back in 2008.
Rise of the Beasts is set in 1994, with the story evolving out of Brooklyn, New York City. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will take audiences on a ’90s adventure and introduce the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons to the existing battle on Earth between Autobots and Decepticons and the big bad Unicorn.
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