Listicles Manga One Piece

One Piece: Top 10 Wano Plot Points That Didn’t Go Anywhere

The Wano Country arc/saga has been the longest and most rewarding leg of One Piece to date. Spanning 149 chapters, the arc has seen the rise and fall of several alliances, the reignition of age-old lores and mysteries, the end of 20 years of tyranny and the start of a new shogunate. Oda is […]

Manga One Piece

Is Elbaf the Next Arc After Wano? Who will the Elbaf Arc be About?

We are at the beginning of the end of the Wano arc; it is already one of the longest and juiciest arcs Oda has given us, but I’m sure it’s nothing compared to what is still to come. Luffy vs. Kaido is bound to be the next big fight after Zoro vs. King, but what after that? […]