Anime Blog One Piece

Garp’s Strength: Unraveling the True Power of the Strongest Marine

In the vast world of One Piece, where formidable pirates and powerful marines roam the seas, few characters hold the same level of admiration and fear as Monkey D. Garp.
As a legendary figure in the anime, fans often ponder the true extent of Garp’s strength. Monkey D. Garp is one of One Piece’s m[…]

Anime Manga One Piece

One Piece: Luffy Corrects Whitebeard and Roger’s Mistake in Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057 of One Piece has been getting mixed reactions. Some people find the Wano finale to be a bit of a let-down, while some are excited about particular aspects of the chapter – like the scenes concerning Yamato or Hiyori. The latest chapter has a lot of things worth discussing, but […]

Manga One Piece

Garp vs. Akainu: Let’s Settle the Debate Once and for All

We’re looking at 2 undisputed powerhouses of the Marines today: current fleet admiral Akainu/Sakazuki, and current vice admiral, Monkey D. Garp. The One Piece fandom is full of Akainu supporters that refuse to believe Akainu could be taken down by anyone other than […]