Anime Blog

Who is the most hated anime character of all time? Top 10 Repulsive Roles

Every now and then, our favorite anime shows throw a spanner in the works by introducing a character we just can’t stand. And before we know it, we’re hating on them with a fiery passion. When it comes to the most hated anime characters, it’s not always the villain that’s the worst. Sometimes it’s […]

Anime News The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World

Fantasy Novel ‘The Iceblade Sorcerer’ to Receive an Anime in 2023

Being a gifted child or the chosen one in anime means never getting to live a normal life, and Ray White has had enough of that. Even though he tries to live as an ordinary person, he can’t escape his fate, and soon The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World. The novel series is very underrated[…]