How To Watch Archer Easy Watch Order Guide

If there were a list of best off-beat humor that combines satire, pop-culture, socio-economic issues, existentialism at the forefront, Archer would definitely be up there with Bojack Horseman and Rick & Morty. Archer is an animated sitcom series surrounding eight spies and their lives.

The spy parody is known for its dry humor and “edgy” humor, which is not for kids. The pop-culture game is bang on, and the way they take a dig at the genre is brilliantly written. With a range of premises surrounding real-life scenarios and figures, this show packs a punch that you’ll indeed feel in your gut.

This article is simply for the uninitiated wondering how exactly to watch the show and what order will give them the best experience.

Release Order And Chronological Watch Order

How To Watch Archer Easy Watch Order Guide

Usually, the release order and the chronological order are two different segments, but it’s pretty much the same in this case. You can just head to the show, press play, and watch it until the end. Although there might be a few continuity errors here and there, but they’re pretty minor. This is because some of the episodes were shot in a chronology but released in a different one.

Nevertheless, you can treat these episodes as standalone byte-sized content of 25 to 30 minutes or watch it in order from start to finish. The experience will be the same.

There are several reasons for the continuity errors that range from out-of-order publishing to the creators wanting slight tweaks in the narrative, but the creators explicitly reveal nothing. Although, the critics have at one point mentioned that the show sacrifices narrative continuity. However, as someone who has watched the show, it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Where To Watch

Archer Season 12 Trailer (HD)
Archer Season 12 Trailer

You can currently find all seasons of Archer on Netflix, Hulu and watch it on the FX channel on TV. However, Netflix doesn’t have the latest season 12. So if you’re someone looking for all seasons on one platform, it is Hulu.

Run-Time And Binge Duration

How To Watch Archer Easy Watch Order Guide

There are totally 126 episodes across 12 seasons. Each episode runs for an average of 22 minutes. So for you to finish watching it all, it’d take you approximately 46 hours. However, only 4 episodes have come out from season 12, and the remaining 4 are yet to release. This means you’ve got plenty of time to catch up with the current season. So sit back and enjoy this hilariously written spy parody.

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About Archer

Archer is an American animated comedy series created by Adam Reed for the FX network.

The series premiered on September 17, 2009 and is currently airing its thirteenth season on FXX. 

The show follows suave master spy, Sterling Archer as he deals with global espionage working for the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS). 

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