Clock Tower Puzzle Solution | Club BPEMA Passcode – Stellar Blade Guide

Stellar Blade, the widely popular action-adventure video game is loaded with various passcode and other kinds of puzzle that players must solve to progress further into the story of the game.

One of such puzzles that you will encounter early on is related to a massive clock tower, where you need a passcode for the entryway of Club Bpema during the second main quest, Scavenger Adam. 

How to solve the Clock Tower puzzle in Stellar Blade?

The passcode for the entryway of Club Bpema is 1225. The solution to this puzzle is related to the time shown by the large clock tower behind the Club Bpema entry. The hour hand of the large clock points at 12 while the minute hand points at 5 (25 minutes). Combining the two, we get 1225.

Passcode for the entrway of Clun Bpema
Passcode for the entrway of Clun Bpema

As said, the clock tower is behind the players when they are facing the entryway of Club Bpema. Therefore, you have to turn around and look at the sky to find it.

Clock Tower in Stellar Blade
Clock Tower in front of Club Bpema in Stellar Blade

Your vision of the tower may be blocked by a massive pillar, so move slightly to your left or right to find the clock tower.

The answer to this puzzle always stays the same and does not change over the course of time. The passcode is same for all the players and is not dynamic.

As the clock tower is static and not functioning, the clock hands will always point to 12 Hours and 25 Minutes.

Once you input the passcode in the keypad of the entryway, the gate for Club Bpema will open and you will be able to proceed to the next area in the Scavenger Adam quest.

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About Stellar Blade

The action- adventure video game Stellar Blade was created by Shift Up and released by Sony Interactive Entertainment. On April 26, 2024, it was launched for the PlayStation 5.

Played in third person, Stellar Blade takes place on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Combat is all about anticipating your opponent’s attacks and timing your counterattacks perfectly.


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