With the first game releasing back in 2004, the Far Cry series has stood the test of time and proved itself to be one of Ubisoft’s longest-running franchise, next to the Assassin’s Creed.
The Far Cry series takes place throughout different eras and settings, which could be confusing for a new player. One should follow either the chronological order or the release order to play through the series.
This guide has been put together for new players who are looking to get into the Far Cry series, as well as for returning players who want to take a walk down the memory lane. Take a look at all the Far Cry games in their chronological and release order.
1. The Chronological Order to Play the Far Cry Series:

For the chronological order, we’ll have to consider the setting and the timeline during which each Far Cry games are set.
Take a look at all the Far Cry games in their chronological order:
- Far Cry Primal (10.000 BC)
- Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness DLC (1960s-70s)
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (2007)
- Far Cry 2 (2008)
- Far Cry 3 (2012)
- Far Cry 4 (2017)
- Far Cry 5 (2018)
- Far Cry 6 (2021)
- Far Cry (2025)
- Far Cry: New Dawn (2035)
It’s worth noting that the years mentioned beside the Far Cry games are not the release dates for them, rather the year during which the games are set.
2. The Release Order to Play the Far Cry Series:

The release order for the Far Cry series features all the Far Cry games along with the year during which they were released.
Take a look at all the Far Cry games in their release order:
- Far Cry (2004)
- Far Cry 2 (2008)
- Far Cry 3 (2012)
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (2013)
- Far Cry 4 (2014)
- Far Cry Primal (2016)
- Far Cry 5 (2018)
- Far Cry: New Dawn (2019)
- Far Cry 6 (2021)
3. Which Far Cry game should you play first?

It truly doesn’t matter which Far Cry game you start the series with as none of the games connect with each other, with the exception of some minor references. However, if you’re confused about where to start, go for either Far Cry 3 or Far Cry 4.
Far Cry 3 is the game that made the franchise. In addition to innovative gameplay mechanics and a fun combat system, the game featured an excellent main antagonist, Vaas, who became a truly unforgettable villain. On the other hand, Far Cry 4 features a great antagonist as well, along with an impressive environment and a good narrative.
4. Do you need to play the Far Cry series in order?

You don’t need to play the Far Cry series in order as every game in the series consists of a self-contained story along with different characters and lore. Start with a Far Cry game to your liking and continue your playthrough from there.
However, if you’re still confused about the order to play the series, play in either the chronological order or the release order. That’ll give you the complete Far Cry experience right from the beginning up to the latest Far Cry title.
5. Which is the hardest Far Cry game?

Far Cry 2 is considered the hardest game in the series. Much of its difficulty is due to the game’s AI and its outrageous mechanic which requires the players to take malaria meds whenever you start feeling its symptoms. If you fail to take the medicines, you pass out.
While some felt Far Cry 2 was punishing and unforgiving, the game had its positives. Along with the new open-world design and graphics, Far Cry 2 served as a concrete foundation as to how future Far Cry titles should be made.
6. Which is the longest Far Cry game?

Far Cry 6, the latest entry in the Far Cry franchise, is the longest game in the series. It takes about an average of 19 hours to go through the main story. If you’re aiming for a completionist run, it will take you around 44.5 hours.
After Far Cry 6, Far Cry 5 has the second-longest main story at 18 hours, followed by Far Cry 4 at 17.5 hours, Far Cry 2 at 16.5, Far Cry 3 at 15.5, and the first Far Cry at only 13.5 hours.
7. About Far Cry 6
Far Cry 6 is the latest insallment in the Far Cry series developed and published by Ubisoft. The game is an open-world, first-person action adventure title, and is set for a 2021 release.
Players will take control of Dani Rojas, a freedom fighting guerrilla, who is trying to overthrow the local dictator Anton Castillo. Far Cry 6 is based on the fictional island of Yara, and has been called the largest map of any Far Cry game yet. Players will have access to a variety of hand-made weapons and local vehicles in their fight against the forces of Castillo.
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