Everything You Need to Know to Find and Get Chorizo in Far Cry 6

The tiny and adorable sausage dog, Chorizo, has become everyone’s favorite animal in the Far Cry fanbase.

Players can find Chorizo in Far Cry 6 at his dog house at the Montero Far in the Mogote Foothills of Costa Del Mar. 

What’s better, players can recruit the pet as their companion to help them out during missions! In this guide, I’ll explain everything you need to know about Chorizo and how to make him a companion in Far Cry 6. 

Chorizo Location

Players will first encounter Chorizo with his current owner, Philly Barzaga, during the main story quest Meet the Monteros. After completing this quest, the protagonist will be invited to the Montero Farm. 

Consequently, you’ll gain access to the Yaran story quest called Who’s a Good Boy. Completing this mission will make Chorizo your companion, whom you can take along in your journey. 

1. How to complete Who’s A Good Boy quest in Far Cry 6?

Who’s A Good Boy Quest

Players need to obtain undamaged crocodile meat, Chorizo’s favorite food and feed it to the dog to complete Who’s A Good Boy quest in Far Cry 6. 

To start this quest, Dani needs to meet and pet Chorizo, who’ll be residing in this dog house in Costa Del Mar. After that, the player will need to accept the quest and read the note on the board next to Chorizo’s dog house. 

The note contains the recipe for Chorizo’s favorite food, and then players are given the task to collect the ingredient called crocodile meat. To get this material, Dani will need to go out and hunt a crocodile in the game. 

2. Where can you get crocodile meat in Far Cry 6?

Crocodile in Far Cry 6

Players can find crocodiles in the Cortina River, the Fernando Valley, Sabidurial Valley, or the crocodile farm in Aguas Lindas at Cobre Shores. After taking them down, they’ll find a drop of crocodile meat in Far Cry 6. 

To explain, players need to kill the crocodile with a machete, bow, or headshots to get undamaged crocodile meat. Otherwise, you’ll get damaged crocodile meat drops if you attack the crocodiles recklessly with explosives or multiple shots to the body. 

An efficient way to get undamaged meat is to send an already obtained amigo, like Guapo, and they’ll take out the crocodiles on your behalf. After getting the crocodile meat, players can go to the doghouse and deliver meat to their food bowl. 

That’ll conclude the quest “Who’s A Good Boy,” and you’ll get a brand-new mission called Fetch. 

3. How to make Chorizo an amigo in Far Cry 6?

Chorizo as Amigo in Far Cry 6

Players need to complete the Yaran story Fetch quest to get Chorizo as their amigo in Far Cry 6. On the mission, the protagonist has to follow the dog wherever he goes. 

The dog will lead you to different locations and start digging in the ground. Interact with it to gain some special rewards. After he’s shown you the secret stash, the icon on the head turns into a paw. 

Congratulations! It means that the dog has turned into your amigo, and you can take him wherever you travel during your adventure. 

4. Who is Chorizo in Far Cry 6?

Chorizo in Far Cry 6

Chorizo is a partly paralyzed dachshund that takes the help of a wheelchair to run around. The tiny animal is one of the Amigos, a series of unlockable animal companions Dani can call for assistance during their missions. 

Additionally, he’s classified as a stealth support role amigo, meaning he can avoid detection and distract the enemies but can’t attack or deal damage. He uses his most powerful feature, his cuteness, to distract enemies, leaving them vulnerable to your attacks. 

The dog also features a wide range of special abilities to help you out during your adventure in Yara. They are: 

●     Bloodhound: Chorizo will tag nearby resources and items with his sense of smell. 

●     Yes, You Can: Chorizo will regenerate some health after being petted by the player.

●    Keen Senses: Chorizo will sometimes find resources by digging in the ground.

But players need to make some achievements with the dachshund to unlock and use these abilities in-game. 

5. How to unlock Chorizo’s abilities in Far Cry 6?

Unlock Ability of Chorizo

To unlock Chorizo’s abilities in Far Cry 6, players need to perform these activities with their charming pet: 

  • Bloodhound: Chorizo needs to distract ten different enemies to unlock this ability.
  • Yes, You Can: Unlocked once Chorizo has tagged 36 loot containers.
  • Keen Senses: Pet and Heal Chorizo 59 times to unlock this ability.  
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6. About Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 is the latest insallment in the Far Cry series developed and published by Ubisoft. The game is an open-world, first-person action adventure title, and is set for a 2021 release.

Players will take control of Dani Rojas, a freedom fighting guerrilla, who is trying to overthrow the local dictator Anton Castillo. Far Cry 6 is based on the fictional island of Yara, and has been called the largest map of any Far Cry game yet. Players will have access to a variety of hand-made weapons and local vehicles in their fight against the forces of Castillo.

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