The fascinating world of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla offers you the thrill of wielding a few exceptional mythical weapons and feel the sheer power of gods in your hands. These weapons provide you unbelievable stats to obliterate your enemies but finding and obtaining them is no child’s play.
There are 5 legendary weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Gungnir (Spear), Excalibur (Long Sword), Nodens’ Arc (Hunter Bow), Mjolnir (Hammer), and Gae Bolg (Spear)
Weapon | Class | Attack | Speed | Stun | Critical Chance | Weight |
Gungnir | Bear | 147 | 52 | 170 | 117 | 13 |
Excalibur | Bear | 156 | 43 | 160 | 96 | 14 |
Nodens’ Arc | Raven | 133 | 47 | 144 | 110 | 11 |
Mjolnir | Bear | 145 | 42 | 188 | 104 | 10 |
Gae Bolg | Wolf | 152 | 54 | 169 | 115 | 10 |
To obtain these mythical weapons, you must first fulfill some essential conditions. Here I have compiled the locations of all the five legendary weapons and prerequisites for obtaining them.
1. Gungnir (Mythical Spear)
Gungnir, also known as Odin’s Spear, is one of the mightiest weapons available in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. The Allfather Odin himself once wielded the Gungnir until it was lost during the Ragnarok.

Class | Bear |
Attack | 147 |
Speed | 52 |
Stun | 170 |
Critical Chance | 117 |
Weight | 13 |
Perks | The spear’s reach is extended by a force field |
Gungnir can be found in a cave called Goinnhellir in Hordafylke, a level 280 region. This region is in the northern part of Norway. Refer to the image below for the precise location.

How To Obtain Gungnir In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Gungnir can only be acquired during the main storyline’s final quest, “A Brother’s Keeper,” or after completing the entire England story arc. Also, make sure you have all four adrenaline slots unlocked in the skill tree.
Enter the Goinnhellir cave and walk straight until you reach the part where the path forks. Take the left path, go through the small crack, and you will see the mighty Gungnir stuck on a wall. Interact with it, and Eivor will pull it out.

2. Excalibur (Mythical Long Sword)
Excalibur is another mythical Isu weapon that the legendary King Arthur Pendragon once wielded. This majestic long sword is a must-have for all the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla fans.

Class | Bear |
Attack | 156 |
Speed | 43 |
Stun | 160 |
Critical Chance | 96 |
Weight | 14 |
Perks | Heavy Finishers & Criticals blind all enemies around |
To unlock this mighty sword, you first need to obtain 11 stone tablets, which will be required later. To obtain 8 of these stone tablets, you need to complete 8 Treasure of Britain mystery events:
- Wiccan’s Cave- Break the wall of ice to gain access to the tablet in the cave. It can be found in the mountains to the west of Jorvik in Eurvicscire.
- Grime’s Graves- The tablet is hidden inside one of the breakable pots in a cave in East Anglia, east of Middletun.
- Cavern of Trials- Available during the Jotunheim story arc.
- Santlache Mine- Find the tablet underwater in a mine in Suthsexe.
- Red Lichen Cavern- Locate the tablet at the end of the cave just east of Wincestre in Hamtunscire.
- Deoraby Spar Cavern- The tablet can be found at the end of a small cave near the eastern border of Snotinghamscire, just northeast of Hemthorpe.
- Wocig- Blow up the oil barrels in the room to make an opening on your left. Slide underneath to collect this Treasure of Britain. It is located in Hamtunscire just west of the Highpoint near Chepreham.
- Old Cellar- Tablet at the end of a cave in Essexe, south-east of Colcestre.
You can acquire the rest of the tablets by killing the three of the following powerful Zealots:
- Heike- He is in Essexe, between the Belesduna Bandit Camp and Brentwood Outpost.
- Hrothgar- He can be found in the forests southeast of Cicestre Abbey and west of Crawleah in Suthsex
- Woden- He can be found at the southwest main road to Canterbury, between the head of the snake and the edge of town.
How To Get The Excalibur In AC Valhalla?
Excalibur is located in Myrddin’s Cave near Stonehenge, a place which is located in the northern central Hamtunscire, a level 340 region. The image below shows the exact location of the cave.

It is a long path to the Excalibur once you enter Myrddin’s Cave. Keep sprinting straight till you reach a large pond, take a leap of faith into this pond and swim your way to the adjacent room, then again parkour your way through the cave till you reach a massive chamber.

You will find 12 giant pillars in this chamber of Myrddin’s Cave, with one stone tablet already inserted inside one of these pillars.

Insert the 11 stone tablets acquired by killing the three Zealots and the Eight Treasures of Britain into the 11 stone pillars of the chamber at the end of the Myrddin’s Cave to unlock the Excalibur.
After this, you will find the Excalibur glowing bright in the middle of all the pillars, go ahead and pull it out of the ground.

3. Nodens’ Arc (Mythical Hunter Bow)
Generally overlooked, Nodens’ Arc can be an excellent choice for the stealthy archers of the game as it does extra damage the further you are from your enemy.

Class | Raven |
Attack | 133 |
Speed | 47 |
Stun | 144 |
Critical Chance | 110 |
Weight | 11 |
Headshot Damage | 99 |
Perk | Increase attack the further you are from your enemy |
Nodens’ arc, the mythical hunter bow, is on an island in the middle of a lake north of Eurvicscire, a level 190 region. Find the precise location of the island, as shown in the image below.

NOTE: You must have Excalibur with you to get Nodens’ Arc bow.
Acquiring Nodens’ Arc In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Head to the tiny isle on the island surrounded by the lake. Here you will find a glowing Iron Ore which contains the Isu bow. All you have to do is break this ore and collect the Nodens’ arc. However, it is not that easy to retrieve the bow.

There are two conditions to break this ore and acquire the legendary bow:
- You must break the ore using Excalibur only.
- You can only break this ore precisely at sunset, just when the sun is barely visible.
If the timing and weapon are incorrect, the ore will be unbreakable.
Tip: Save the game after reaching the ore’s location, so you can give it another try in case you miss the correct timing.
4. Mjolnir (Mythical Hammer)
To get your hands on this legendary weapon of the mighty Thor and feel its unnatural lightning power, you first have to be worthy of it.

Class | Bear |
Attack | 142 |
Speed | 45 |
Stun | 188 |
Critical Chance | 104 |
Weight | 10 |
Perk | Every hit has a chance to do Stun Damage to all enemies around |
To be considered worthy of Mjolnir, you need to equip the entire armor set of Thor before interacting with it.
Thor’s armor set consists of 5 pieces:
- Breeches
- Battle Plate
- Gauntlet
- Helmet
- Cape
To obtain the Breeches, Battle Plate, and Gauntlet, you must eliminate the 3 Daughters of Lerion in England and pick up one piece of Thor’s Armor from each along with their daggers.
You can find the helmet in the Temple of Lerion by using the three daggers you picked up earlier, and the last piece, the cape, will be rewarded to you by Hytham for defeating all the members of the Order of the Ancient.
Picking Up The God Of Thunder’s Mjolnir In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Thor’s mighty Mjolnir can be found in the mountains of Hordafylke, the northern region of Norway. This location is very close to the cave where we found the Gungnir. Once you are near this legendary weapon, you will hear a lightning strike. Have a look at the image below for the exact location of this legendary hammer.

Head to the Hordafylke’s snow covered mountains and observe the Mjolnir lying on the ground. Equip all five pieces of Thor’s armor set and interact with the hammer. You should be able to pick it up.

Note: You will not be able to pick Mjolnir up unless you wear the entire Thor’s armor set.
5. Gae Bolg (Mythical Spear)
Gae Bolg, the spear made from the bones of a sea monster, is a wolf-class legendary weapon. It is one of the ultimate weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and can only be obtained in the Wrath of the Druids DLC.

Class | Wolf |
Attack | 152 |
Speed | 54 |
Stun | 169 |
Critical Chance | 115 |
Weight | 10 |
Perk | Lightning shocks the enemy after 3 consecutive hits |
Gae Bolg, the legendary lightning spear, is located in the Connacht region of Asfinn, east of Rathcrogahn, near Deirdre’s hut. Refer to the image below for the precise location.

You can interact with this mighty spear stuck in the stone but cannot pull it out till you complete the final storyline quest of the Wrath of the Druids DLC.
How to Get The Gae Bolg In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?
To obtain the mythical Gae Bolg spear, kill all the Children of Danu and bring their shards of bloody amber back to Deirdre. This will initiate the Amber Sun quest, which is the last quest in the main storyline of the DLC.
In this quest, you have to eliminate a giant mythical monster, Balor, power level 370. Defeat him and pull the Gae Bolg out of his corpse. The mighty spear is now yours to keep.

6. About Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Developed and Published by Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the latest instalment in the Assasin’s Creed series launched in November 2020. The action-adventure, role-playing video game is available to play on Playstation 5/4, Xbox One/ Series X/S and PC.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes players back to the Vikings’ glory days around the 9th century through the eyes of a Viking invader from Norway named Eivor. By playing as Eivor, gamers must represent the clan and help fellow warriors in the battle against Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. The game brims with phenomenal main quests along with noteworthy side quests. AC Valhalla will also embrace many new features like dual-wielding of various weapons and armours.
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