Valheim is a single-player survival game created by Iron Gate Studios. This Minecraft-like sandbox game is currently only available on PC. Its plot is set in a world where the dead Vikings go to show that they are worthy of Valhalla.
In the game, the players start without anything and learn that in order to enter the Norse afterlife, they must vanquish the evil monsters roaming the lands of Valheim. Unfortunately, they have to do it on the standard game difficulty as the game does not allow them to change it.
Valheim does not have an easy mode or traditional difficulty settings. So, initially, casual gamers may find the game’s difficulty slightly frustrating.
The game does not have any difficulty settings because the developers wished for the game to offer the same experience to every single individual, but this does not mean that it will never have any difficulty options.
When asked whether they plan on adding difficulty settings, Velheim developers replied, “A difficulty setting is not something currently planned for the Mistlands update, but it’s something we have talked about potentially adding to the game at some point.”
Thus, the game will surely have difficulty setting someday, but unfortunately, we’re just not sure when!
1. How to make Valheim easier?

Valheim can be made easier by using the console commands/cheats. Players need to activate the in-game console on the Steam version by setting it as a launch option.
To activate the in-game console in Valheim:
- Launch Steam.
- Go to Library.
- Right-click on Valheim.
- Select Properties.
- Navigate to the “General” tab.
- Find the “Launch Options” field and punch in “-console.”
That’s it! Now launch the game, press F5 to bring up the console, and get ready to punch in some codes. But wait, before you go ahead with entering regular codes – Type “imacheater” to enable cheats.
Now, let’s get to the real cheats.
2. All Console Cheat Codes in Valheim

Here are all the major Valheim console cheat codes:
- god – Enable god mode.
- heal – Restore your current max health.
- puke – Empty your stomach of food and reset your health and stamina.
- freefly – Activate the free camera.
- ffsmooth 1 – Add smooth movement to the free camera.
- ffsmooth 0 – Reset smooth movement.
- killall – Kill all nearby enemies.
- tame – Tame all nearby creatures.
- ghost – Enemies will ignore you.
- exploremap – Reveal the entire map.
- resetmap – Hide map.
- pos – Show player coordinates.
- goto [x,z] – Teleport player to the coordinates you’ve entered.
- location – Set spawn location.
- tod – Set the time of day.
- event [name] – Start the named event.
- stopevent – Stop current events.
- randomevent – Start a random event.
- raiseskill [skill] [amount] – Raise the named skill by the value entered.
- resetcharacter – Reset your character data.
- dpsdebug – Toggle DPS debug print on and off.
- save – Forces game to save the current world state.
- players [nr] – Adjust the difficulty scale.
- removedrops – Remove items dropped in the area.
- wind [angle] [intensity] – Adjust the direction and intensity of the wind.
- resetwind – Reset wind angle and intensity.
- hair – Remove the character’s hair.
- beard – Remove the character’s beard.
- model 0 – Switch character to the masculine body.
- model 1 – Switch character to the feminine body.
All these cheats are enough to make the game fun and easy for you, but there is a lot more that you can do with the console command, like spawning a large number of specific items or even enemies.
3. How to spawn items in Valehim?

Players can spawn items in Valheim by using the in-game console commands. To spawn an item, they need to type “spawn [ItemName] [Numerical Amount].”
With this command, you can summon items like Wood, Stone, Flint, Leather Scraps, and Raw Meat. As the cheats are case-sensitive, make sure to punch them in properly.
For example, “spawn Stone 25” or “spawn RawMeat 50”.
You can even spawn enemies in the game with a similar code. Just type “spawn [EnemyName] [Numerical Amount] [Level]” to summon as many enemies as you want. An ideal example of the code mentioned above is “spawn GreyDwarf 12 2″.
4. Who is the hardest boss in Valheim?

Bonemass, the gigantic humanoid boss, is considered the hardest enemy in Valheim. It is the third boss that players encounter in the game.
His poison attacks and regeneration abilities make it extremely challenging to take him on in a battle. He has a whopping 5000 HP and is immune or resistant to poison, stagger, fire, and pierce damage.
On defeating the Bonemass, players receive the Bonemass trophy, Wishbone, and his Power as reward drops.
5. How long it takes to beat Valheim?
It takes 134 hours to complete 100% of Valheim, according to the website, HowLongToBeat.
However, if you are only interested in the game’s story, it will take you around 72 hours to complete the entire main storyline. Additionally, finishing every side quest in the game will cost you 20 extra hours.
6. About Valheim
Developed by Iron Gate AB, Valheim is an online open-world Survival craft co-op game. Here, players will control dead Vikings and fight Odin’s ancient enemies and monsters.
In order to enter paradise, players will have to please Odin and prove their worth to the allfather.
The journey will not be easy as at every step, the danger of supernatural entities will loom. Players will have to venture out, explore various landforms, craft, and get stronger.
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