Red Dead Redemption is an action-adventure developed and published by Rockstar Games on 26th October 2018. Although approximately four years old, it’s still one of the shiniest and most story-driven games of its genre. It marked a successful conclusion to eight years’ worth of efforts of the developing studio and soon turned out to be of most successful open-world games ever.
Players take control of Arthur Morgan, a trusted senior member of the Dutch Van der Linde gang, and set out on a journey to complete 80 missions spread across six chapters, two epilogues, and a few stranger missions.
Once you’ve beaten the main story of Red Dead Redemption 2, you may wonder if it’s possible to kick-start a New Game+ mode that allows you to replay the game while carrying over all the progression and gained items.
Unfortunately, Red Dead Redemption 2 does not officially have the New Game Plus mode. This is probably because it doesn’t involve many skills or abilities. A maxed-out Arthur is the same as the initial Arthur, with a bit more stamina and health, so implementing a mode that allows players to carry over progress to replay the game didn’t make much sense to the developers.
However, several fans believe that the massive arsenal of guns and deadeye targeting feature, which they unlock as the game progresses, should’ve been enough for Rockstar Games to include the New Game+ mode in the game.
Note: Although unavailable officially, you can access an unofficial New Game+ mode in Red Dead Redemption 2 by installing the RDR 2 New Game Plus Save Files available online.
Here’s more about the post-game content in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Does Red Dead Redemption 2 have post-game content?

Yes, Red Dead Redemption 2 consists of a substantial amount of post-game content. At the end of the sixth chapter (end of the main story), Arthur Morgan dies, paving the way to post-game content named Epilogues. Even after finishing the Epilogues, you can navigate the West and complete the incomplete quests and missions as John in extended post-game content.
In the last mission of the sixth chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2, players receive two choices when playing as Arthur Morgan. They can choose to go back and get the money or help John get to safety.
If you help John and set him free, Micah will jump on you and start a fight. Dutch will join Micah shortly after, leading to an almost unwinnable 2v1 scenario. The scene will end with you (Arthur) trying to convince Dutch that Micah is the rat, but neither will concede and leave you to die.
On the other hand, even if you choose to go back and get the money, you’ll end up fighting Micah, but this time in the caves. Interestingly, John will still get away safely, leaving you behind to die. However, this time, Arthur’s death will result from Micah shooting him in the face.
Regardless of the option you choose, the conclusion will be followed by a cutscene, paving the way to the first post-game content in Red Dead Redemption 2, Epilogue 1. Furthermore, you play the Epilogues as John Marston, the guy Arthur dies saving.
Once you wrap up the Epilogues, you can experience the extended post-game content as John Marston by navigating through the Wild West and completing the incomplete missions and side quests.
Can you still play Red Dead Redemption 2 after you complete the game?

Yes, players can still play Red Dead Redemption 2 after completing its main story. As mentioned above, you can take part in incomplete side quests and gather all collectibles. Nevertheless, instead of undertaking missions, you can also choose to simply explore the various regions of the map.
Due to the game’s vastness, it may become difficult for players to figure out what to do after completing Red Dead Redemption 2. Here is the plethora of things you can do after beating the main campaign of Red Dead Redemption 2.
What to do in Red Dead Redemption 2 after you complete it?

After beating the main story, aka the first six chapters, you can complete the two-parted Epilogues as John Marston. Once you’re done with John’s Epilogues, you can finish incomplete quests/side quests, pay your respects, visit points of interest, find legendary animals and fish, search for dinosaur bones, and undertake stranger missions.
You lose the following items when you exchange control from Arthur to John at the end of the sixth chapter.
- Arthur’s Money
- Honor Ranking
- Horses
- Provisions, Tonics, Ingredients, and Materials
You will remain in possession of every item except the ones mentioned above. Simply put, the things you save during the last mission of the sixth chapter will transfer over to John after the conclusion of the second Epilogue.
In addition, John will gain the following items in the extended post-game of Red Dead Redemption 2.
- The Cattleman Revolver
- New Outfits (The Cowboy & The Winter Cowboy)
Also, it’s noteworthy that even though Arthur passes away, his work remains, meaning John can undertake almost all the stranger missions that Arthur was assigned. However, you can’t undertake stranger missions for Mary Linton as John, which might have something to do with her on-screen chemistry with Arthur Morgan in the main story.
What happens when you start a new game in Red Dead Redemption 2?

You can start two types of new games in Red Dead Redemption 2. Firstly, you can go the conventional way by saving your progress and using another slot to begin the new game. Or, players can start a new game by selecting the New Game Plus mode in RDR2.
Players can begin a new game in Red Dead Redemption 2 by following the given steps.
- Pause the game by pressing ESC
- Go to Story and click on “Save Game”
- Select and save the game on one of the 10-15 slots on the screen.
- Go to the main menu and click on “New Game”
- Hold yes when the game asks you to overwrite the autosave
By sticking to the above method, players can start a new game in RDR2 without losing previous progress. Moreover, this new game encompasses of same enemy difficulty level and reward return rate as your initial run.
However, if players start a new game in RDR2 by transferring over to New Game Plus, they won’t lose their progress. In addition, the enemy difficulty level and reward return rate will be much higher than playing the game in simply the New Game mode.
About Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2, prequel to 2010’s Red Dead Redemption, is an action-adventure game produced and released by Rockstar Games in 2018. The story, set in 1899, follows outlaw Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang.
Red Dead Redemption 2 portrays the Wild West, while being set in the fictional Western and Southern United States.
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