Gaming Guides Silent Hill 2

Easy Guide to Play the Silent Hill Series in Order – What to play first?

The Silent Hill series is making its long-awaited comeback into the genre of survival horror, with several new games on the way and a new movie. If successful, the upcoming titles will usher in a new era of Silent Hill that many players have been asking for[…]

Gaming News Silent Hill 2

Konami Shadow Drops Silent Hill: The Short Message for free on PS5

Konami is a developer known for their eccentric moves, from the days of Pro Evolution Soccer and Silent Hill. Now, they have shadow-dropped a title the players did not see coming. Konami has shadow-dropped Silent Hill: The Short Message, a first-person horror title developed as an experimental project […]

Gaming News Silent Hill 2

Release date for Silent Hill: Ascension an interactive series confirmed

Silent Hill: Ascension has been coming along, initially announced as a choose-your-own-adventure-based mini-series. The title is believed to feature daily live story scenes that would change based on the audience’s gameplay decisions. On Google Play Store, Developers Genvid Entertainment updates the[…]