The Boston 2021 Anime Convention is something that a lot of otakus were looking forward to. With the ongoing pandemic, there have been no recent chances for anime fans to gather. However, this chance is flickering as well.
If we were to make a list of all the conventions and events that have been canceled due to the pandemic, we would be here all day long. Even the Tokyo Olympics is in danger! Not only is the pandemic ruining the world economy, but it is also dampening our spirits.
The Anime Boston 2021 Convention was set to be held on April 2-4. However, the New England Anime Society’s close monitoring has deemed that the convention cannot be held due to the Coronavirus pandemic’s effects.

Although the recent developments with the vaccine are a ray of hope for citizens, large gatherings are still forbidden according to the governor’s orders. With just two months left before the event, there was no choice but to cancel it.
The event will be held directly on May 27-29, 2022. Members who had pre-registered for the event will get their memberships transferred to the next year’s convention. The plans for the 2020 event were also canceled due to the COVID-19 virus.
The merciless virus is shutting down a lot of industries. Since a volunteer organization organizes the Boston convention, transitioning the membership will help them keep afloat.
Many events have either been canceled or held online due to the current state of affairs. However, I think we can all agree that a convention’s life is gathering people with similar interests. An online medium can never convey the same enthusiasm.

Any large-scale events will thus have to suffer until mankind overcomes the COVID-19 challenge. We can only hope that things get better soon so we can meet up once again and discuss our favorite anime characters and genres!
Source: Anime Boston Website
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