Yuno Equipped with 2 Grimoires After New Power-up

Black Clover

By Epic Dope Staff | October 12, 2021

Chapter 308 of the Black Clover manga has silenced all speculations about Yuno’s next power-up as something unbelievable has just happened.

Probably for the first time in Black Clover’s history, a mage has acquired a second grimoire, and it’s Yuno who is sporting it in style.

Now we know for sure that the wind magic grimoire that Yuno had earlier was due to the reincarnated spirit of Licht and Tetia’s son.

Yuno’s new grimoire is a spade grimoire that once again indicates his lineage as people receive grimoires from the kingdom that they originally belong to.

It is a magnificent sight when Yuno stands back up against Zenon with two grimoires and his sylph in hand.

Fans are guessing that Yuno has already unlocked the Saint Stage, and the next chapter will confirm our doubts.

I cannot wait for the moment when Asta finds out about his buddy’s new achievements and goes starry-eyed again.