World Witches Take Off!: Visual Released

Anime Premieres January 2021

By Epic Dope Staff | October 25, 2020

Strike Witches is a mix-media franchise adapted into light novels, manga, and anime. World Witches is a spinoff of the Strike Witches series.

A tweet by the official Twitter account of World Witches Take Off! announces that the anime will debut in January 2021.

It released a visual for the anime which shows all the combatants from the 501st & 502nd division. They all seem to have fun with an easygoing attitude.

EPs of World Witches Take Off! will be 15 mins long. The staff & cast from Strike Witches: 501st Joint Fighter Wing Take Off will reprise their roles.

In this season, the free time of the Strikers will be shown. No more Neuroi fighting, the habits, & funny scenarios of combatants will be portrayed.