Chika’s Sniping Flaw is Broken Down

World Trigger

By Epic Dope Staff | October 20, 2021

As if Tamakoma-2’s unexpected power boost due to Hyuse wasn’t enough, it looks like Chika is also next in line for new development.

World Trigger season three episode two puts a huge question mark on Chika’s capabilities. So far, Chika’s inability to shoot others had gone unaddressed, but not anymore.

Chika uses lead bullets and tries her hardest not to destroy the whole trion body of her opponent. This decision of hers has cost Tamakoma Second valuable points in past matches.

According to him, Chika can shoot trion bodies but doesn’t want to. She takes extra measures to make sure she doesn’t entirely destroy people.

She has no qualms with Yuma or Kuga taking care of the rest after she snipes, so she isn’t averse to defeating people.

‘Not being able to’ and ‘not wanting to’ are vastly different things. Someone who can’t shoot will never be able to shoot, but someone like Chika will give her best when cornered.