Skate-Leading Stars Anime Broadcast

Premiering On January 10th!

By Epic Dope Staff | November 14, 2020

It’s been 3 years since Yuri on Ice became popular. Being one of the most awaited releases, Skate Leading Stars has some big shoes to fill!

The official website of Skate-Leading Stars announced the anime to premiere on 10th January 2021.

It will be broadcast on TV from Jan 10 on TOKYO MX, BS11, MBS, & various other services every Sunday.

The PV teases us with Maeshima, Reo Shinozaki, & Sasugai ice skating with the theme song in the background.

Skate-Leading Stars is an upcoming anime created by Gorō Taniguchi. It is based on high schoolers who participate in Skate Leading competitions.