Listed with 13 Episodes & Jan Debut

Saiyuki Reload Zeroin

By Epic Dope Staff | December 13, 2021

Genjo Sanzo and his group of chaotic and skilled fighters are back with another anime series – Saiyuki Reload Zeroin.

Saiyuki’s latest installment, the Saiyuki Reload Zeroin anime series, has been listed with 13 episodes and a January 6, 2022 premiere.

The series will cover the events of the ‘Even a Worm’ arc where the Goddess of Mercy tasks Genjyo Sanzo, Son Goku, Sha Gojyo, and Cho Hakkai to save the western lands.

The story starts when a group of men tries to unseal the great yokai Gyumaoh with a forbidden combination of magic and science.

I am looking forward to what awaits Sanzo and his team and if this mission will prove formidable for our heroes. I am pretty sure they’ll make it through.

To be honest, 13 episodes sound way too little for something this engaging and exciting.