Quintessential Quintuplets Season 2

Premiering 7th January 2021

By Epic Dope Staff | December 11, 2020

S2 of the series will begin premiering on January 7, 2021, on TBS and Sun TV. The Season would also be streamed on Hulu.

A new PV for the final season was released on the studio’s official website, which confirmed its release date.

The PV shows Fuutaro struggling to tutor the sisters as they fail miserably, as their focus is on the tutor rather than the much-needed tuition.

We also get a sneak-peak of the song “Gotobun no Katachi” sung by the quintuplets. Bibury Animation Studio is handling the animation of the series.

In this season, fans will get to know the identity of the quintuplet who ends up marrying Fuutarou.