Creator Reminisces Her Journey

Police in a Pod

By Epic Dope Staff | January 8, 2022

Police in a Pod, the ongoing anime, has received much attention due to its realistic portrayal of the police department and their daily lives.

A 2018 interview of Miko Yasu, the creator of Police in Pod, has resurfaced, and it has all the essential tidbits that you would love to know.

In case you didn’t know, Miko Yasu served as a police officer for around ten years before retiring.

After serving for almost a decade, she took childcare leave, but the officer who filled her position died of overwork.

Her motive as a mangaka wasn’t “I want you to read my work” rather, it was “I want you to know about the police.”

Surprisingly, the author grew up reading no manga at all. She was an avid reader, but manga never entered her household’s premises.

The series has just received an anime adaptation, I hope her message reaches a larger audience to fulfill her goal.