Kono Healer, Mendokusai

Anime Releases First PV

By Epic Dope Staff | October 21, 2021

This Healer’s a Handful is an upcoming anime that calls itself an “isekai burnt-out adventurer comedy.” Tannen ni Hakkō’s story might just be the thing we need in these troubled times.

The official website for This Healer’s a Handful (Kono Healer, Mendokusai) has released a promotional video for the upcoming 2022 anime adaptation.

The PV begins with a serious fantasy flashback sequence where Alvin, a warrior, and his healer, dark elf Karla, are battling terrifying creatures.

The story follows this duo’s adventure across a fantasy world where nothing goes their way despite being the protagonists.

The new visual features Alvin and Karla standing back to back while Karla is performing a spell.

It has been a while since an isekai-esque adventure story has seemed this exciting. Let’s just hope it delivers on its promise.