Star and Stripe Destroys Shigaraki

My Hero Academia

By Epic Dope Staff | November 16, 2021

Even while facing her certain death, Star and Stripe has somehow managed to one-up Shigaraki and All for One.

Star and Stripe had assigned a rule to her quirk itself, that “New Order will revolt against other quirks.”

We see New Order manifest as a giant Star and Stripe inside of All for One, who is rampaging uncontrollably and manages to destroy the Reflect quirk.

While this looks really bad for Shigaraki, for the purposes of the story, it is unlikely that he will end up dying. He won’t leave completely unscathed from this though.

As we know, New Order has a strict two rule limit. If Shigaraki and All for One are able to issue two rules, they might be able to stop the cannibalistic rampage inside of them.

To do so, they will have to sort out their identity crisis first. Will they combine to emerge as a single superior being? Or will one of them take over completely?