One Piece Episode 950 Discussion

Luffy Helps Momonosuke

By Epic Dope Staff | November 17, 2020

Oda’s wonderful creation has delighted fans in every way. Every weird character ties into the story & we come to love each one of them.

Prisoners of Udon are liberated in EP 950, & they are thankful to Luffy. But it's short-lived as they realize he's a pirate, & lose all trust in him.

Luffy soon realizes that being the son of Kozuki Oden, Momonosuke is the only one who can reunite the samurai & return their trust.

However, Momonosuke is young with no experience. He fears that the prisoners would see his father's shadow, & not him.

Luffy comes up with a solution. He answers back with insults, verbal jabs, & finally a giant boulder to force Momo face the prisoners.

The prisoners are overjoyed to see Momo. He courageously addresses the crowd. He tells them about Luffy & how his help was indispensable.

The twists that are used in One Piece are no less fascinating. Luffy surprises us with not only his wit & persistence but also his compassion.