Kawaki Gets an Unexpected Karma Upgrade


By Epic Dope Staff | December 25, 2021

Chapter 65 of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations concluded with a shocker for all fans.

Kawaki manifested karma out of nowhere and absorbed Momoshiki’s attack. His urge to save Lord Seventh is really extraordinary.

It looks like Kawaki and Amado have had deep conversations on this topic. Did Kawaki get this upgrade due to Amado?

The next chapter might give us a flashback to how Kawaki gained this power. Did Amado help him, or did he just train like crazy?

Naruto and Kawaki could divide the enemies between them. Naruto can take on Code while Kawaki fights BoruShiki.

This “Karma Power” is something unexpected, and I guess this is why Kawaki wanted to deal with Code alone.

He will definitely have some awesome moves up his sleeve, and I’d love to see them against BoruShiki.