Gohoubi Gohan

Gets a Live-Action TV Drama

By Epic Dope Staff | August 18, 2021

Gohoubi Gohan is a manga based on the concept of these little joys we get from food, be it gourmet, homemade, or street food.

Tomoko Komo’s foodie manga Gohoubi Gohan received a live-action TV drama that will premiere on October 2, 2021.

The slice of life manga resonates with everyone regardless of their age. Just when we couldn’t get enough of this manga, the franchise decided to launch its live-action.

The manga is popular among fans for its wholesome, realistic, and relatable plot.

Moreover, the art style is charming and pleasing to the eye, especially when it comes to the food.

Hinako pointed out an essential aspect of the story: making every day special and worth it and rewarding yourself for small victories.