Announces S3 With a Smartphone Game

Fire Force

By Epic Dope Staff | May 21, 2022

Fire Force’s Company 8 and its allies are all prepared for a war about to wage in the Tokyo Empire.

Our long wait is finally over as Fire Force anime has confirmed a season 3 under production.

The Knights of the Ashen Flame, led by Sho, and the death of a former captain made the entire fire brigade alert of what’s about to come.

The franchise also revealed an original smartphone game, ‘Fire Force: Enbu no Sho.’ The game’s theme song is ‘Enen,’ performed by Mrs. Green Apple.

The White-Clad is coming for all those with a Stigma mark like Konro. In addition to that, the fire brigade and the Tokyo Empire will be attacked from all sides.

Our heroes will need to enhance their prowess to prevent the bloodshed that’s about to ensue.